curling/abnormal leaves


I have 4 seedlings ( 5 weeks old ) each from 5-7 inches tall with about 3 sets of 3 bladed leaves . The 1 I am having probs with is the 1 that is 5 inches tall it has the weirdest leaves I can't seem to find anyone with a similar prob . They are growing the wrong way or something they are all twisted up does any1 know why ???


New Member
sounds like heat stress .., give them some air , and pull the light back a bit, not likely its water but could also be the culprit ..nute def's or an abundance of will burn or make your ladies look sickly,weak,discolored ect.. my first couple indoor gardens I had similar issues , adding more fresh air/light reduction corrected the issue....hope this helps,gluck friend


ahh well i added 4 more cfls to my room ( from 2 cfls to 6 ) 4 of them r 100 watt equivalent daylight bulbs and the other 2 r like 60 watt equivalent i think but they are just reveal . like 2 days after i put the new lights she straighted tf out n turned bushy as shit !! she is beautiful lol :) i hv pics on my profile shes the 1 in the front right


Well-Known Member
Does it look like this?


Otherwise known as 'Clawing'. Caused by excessive nitrogen. Drop back on veg nutes, maybe consider a flush if you're growing in soil that is a bit hot.