Curious about energy costs . . . anyone grown 180W LED + 360W CFL? (or Approx)


Active Member

This is my first post here - I've been reading the messages for a month or so and am just about to start my second grow (the 1st was many years ago, outdoors). Germination is taking place as I type (just started them today) - meanwhile, I'm putting the finishing touches on my 4X4X4 grow room. I'm curious if anyone has grown with a lighting system similiar to mine and can venture a guess at the monthly cost. I'm using 2 LED UFOs (90W each) plus 8 2700K 40W CFLs to supplement. I am not in control of my own electric bill - it's paid by my landlord. My local electric company has a cost calculator on their site - the going rate per kwh is $0.18 - according to this calculator the monthly cost (running 18 / 6) will be around $50 . . . does this sound reasonably accurate? I"m growing all autos, so the light regimen will not change. Please let me know if you can offer some insight / advice about this. Thanks!

PS - I'm growing (in case you were curious) 10 plants total . . . 3 Lowlife White Russian Auto, 1 Flash Nirvana Sky Auto (which I plan to train since it's supposed to be a very large plant), 2 Auto MI5s, 2 Purple Jems and 2 Auto Assasins.


Well-Known Member
it sounds like alot ... but i think i pay alot less for kwh. But it doesn't seem like it's not something you cant work out.
I would suggest telling your landlord that your running a mini fridge or you run the a/c and fans because it's summer. you can get around that little bit of wattage your using. there's a myriad of excuses you can use.... you have a few computers... etc.
if the landlord has a problem with it ...just pay them the extra few bucks a month and claim you need to run things for whatever reason...