curing in ziplock baggies?


Active Member
if too wet it will take on a plastic smell its also not air tight, glass just seems be the way to go for many reasons.


Active Member
glass jar helps to keep the thc on the buds and bags just take thc and sticks inside the bag.


for sure.. what ever u can work with...

lmmfao leave it to a canadian to tell you its ok to cure in plastic. stop sending your beasters here.

use glass jars that are air tight. and stay away from m39 big bud, all them other beaster strains


Well-Known Member
lmmfao leave it to a canadian to tell you its ok to cure in plastic. stop sending your beasters here.

use glass jars that are air tight. and stay away from m39 big bud, all them other beaster strains
beaster??? rnt u the same guy that said my crop would be 6-8oz's??? BEASTER!!!glass is perfered but bags will work... not the best choice and ya there is disadvangages to it over glass as im sure he knows( heobviously has an idea, thats y hes askin) but depending on his crop or budget it will work


beaster??? rnt u the same guy that said my crop would be 6-8oz's??? BEASTER!!!glass is perfered but bags will work... not the best choice and ya there is disadvangages to it over glass as im sure he knows( heobviously has an idea, thats y hes askin) but depending on his crop or budget it will work
yess beaster!!! yall can keep that shit, and what crop are you talking about? glass is a much better choice then plastic soo much that i would never fucking cure in plastic. ever. BUT REALLY STOP SENDING THOSE BEASTER THREW MAN.


Well-Known Member
yess beaster!!! yall can keep that shit, and what crop are you talking about? glass is a much better choice then plastic soo much that i would never fucking cure in plastic. ever. BUT REALLY STOP SENDING THOSE BEASTER THREW MAN.
the 1 i asked u about via PM... its all good tho.. ur mr. ganja, u know... i nvr said that they were the same did i??? i said its doable.... but u know best


the 1 i asked u about via PM... its all good tho.. ur mr. ganja, u know... i nvr said that they were the same did i??? i said its doable.... but u know best

thank you its all good :fire:

if i posted anything on any yield potentials it was only a educated guess and thats all everyone knows you wont know for sure untill its done or your familier with that strain under certain conditions from previous harvests


Well-Known Member
thank you its all good :fire:

if i posted anything on any yield potentials it was only a educated guess and thats all everyone knows you wont know for sure untill its done or your familier with that strain under certain conditions from previous harvests
im not disputin u on the educated guess... really no1 can say till its done... but that estamite was low for the pics.. like i said"did i say it was better", no i said its doable.. cheers chitown, dont want nor need beef, not here anyways.. every1s advice and oppions count round here...


im not disputin u on that but that estamite was low for the ics.. like i said"did i say it was better", no i said its doable.. cheers chitown, dont want nor need beef, not here anyways.. every1 advice and oppions count round here...

nice im glad to hear you yielded better then what i guessed you would. you must be very proud. :spew:


Plastic bags tend to have a smell or reaction when drying ....No air,....but with glass jars during the last curing stage your buds will sweat a little bringing the THC completely to the bud that u smoke and not to the stem. I have 48 mason jars with bud in problems and a GREAT taste.
