curing containers?


Well-Known Member
How long did you hang them? How dry were they when put in jar? How tight did you trim them? All these things have a factor in the amount of time and quality of smoke.


Well-Known Member
I cure in mason jars - 1/2 gallons and quarts. Glass is just about as non-reactive as one is going to get and it's easy to clean.
How long did you hang them? How dry were they when put in jar? How tight did you trim them? All these things have a factor in the amount of time and quality of smoke.
I hung them for around 7 days some 10 and put em in a gallon size plastic jar for around 2 weeks smell is lacking and taste is no better.

I have the second batch hanging now, really wet still! i'm going to keep em up till they are a little moist in the middle but dry on the outside then jar em.

how would you suggest i do it?

I have 4, 10ft plants hanging now how long should i hang em?
is it ok to use any jar as long as it seals air tight?
i will go get glass if it really makes a difference.


Well-Known Member
i cant call you wrong because I don't know you. but having 10' plants and not know how to cure them is puzzling me.


Well-Known Member
most deli and sandwich shops get sweet peppers in gallon glass jars, that they throw away. they usually puncture lid to open easier, just cover hole with tape...peace


Well-Known Member
I use 5 liter 1.25 gallon jars with a rubber seal from the Container Store.
They cost $10 each.

I love the container Store. I walk around and think, "I could put my weed in there and there and there..."
