CT outdoor


New Member
Im from a very warm,dry Desert climate and thing grow pretty well with a good supply of water from a hose, im wondering what challenges im gonna face doing a outdoor guerrilla grow. my summer here was humid,rainy and hot. i figure the bud may not be as strong due to humidity. im not sure what happens to buds that get rained and soaked alot, i worry mold. I figure the forests. now, i know that large ass trees can transpire tons of water,the soil would be moist most of the time. now that would be great during droughts but again,i worry about the constant rain. but local plantlife seems to thrive beyond anything ive seen in the desert(lots of dirt back home haha). So,i figurea few weeks in advance i scout out a spot,throw down a camera,let it capture the amount of sunlight over the course of the day(and maybe any hikers).till its up, throw down some fox farm, and bury a small tool tool stay around.


Well-Known Member
The number one rule for growing guerrilla in the Connecticut deserts is...never run out of bananas. I worry that you will run out of bananas.

Seriously, what the hell are you talking about?


Well-Known Member
There are a lot of good guerrilla grow faqs that you should start with if you are serious. Here's a tip I learned the hard way that you may not find in the faq's, at least I never did. Don't use blood meal in your soil because it will attract carnivores that will dig up your root balls looking for the dead animal they smell. Now do some homework and come back with precise questions please.


Well-Known Member
In the spring just go around in some promising spots and throw a dollar or 2 on the ground. Come back after a few warm Spring days and see what's left. People are dying to get out of the house around here and the hikers will be out in force. Wherever you have $ left on the ground is probably a good place to start.