Active Member
February 22, 2009
After being a smoker for some time, I got tired of the chase. All the contributing factors that are involved in chasing Harold down got me thinking. Why not grow my own shit and say fuck everybody else? No more spending my hard earned cash and worrying about getting caught having to re-up. This idea was becoming real the more I read on indoor growing. After some planning and saving, I bought my first kit complete with light and instructions on how to grow using hydroponics.
I promised myself that this project was for my enjoyment only. There will be NO financial gains and all responsibility is on me. All things considered NO ONE other than a selected few knows about this project. The fruits of my labor are to be consumed for enjoyment, pleasure and relaxation. Im not looking for a profit, I have a job. This is a hobby with rewards if done correctly.
It wasnt until last summer and my first vegetable garden did I come to realize I had a fascination with growing. My yields for a first time grower were incredible. I couldnt get enough time in the garden. It was very therapeutic and fun. As the summer ended so did gardening. Or did it? That was when the seed was planted literally and figuratively speaking to pursue the science of indoor gardening. However, this time it wouldnt be vegetables (Stealth Hydro Bubbleponics).
The day I got my grow kit it was minutes before I had it up and running. The first week was frustrating. The plant could not grow fast enough (in my eyes). I became absorbed with learning more about the science of growing using hydroponics. Every answered question just thrilled me to no end. During that first eight weeks, I gained so much information that I found myself getting more intrigued by my new found passion.
Ive limited myself to growing two plants. However, once you enter sexing it is a fifty percent chance that one will be female. My first crop never made it after ten weeks. Every plant was a male which resulted in starting over. There is an important lesson for all first time growers and that is patience. Nature has the upper hand. It sucks but it is what it is so its best to chalk it up as a loss.
Im in the last few weeks of my first crop and there have been several trial and errors. One is being ignorant to the subject. There is more to planting the seed and putting the lights on a timer. Over the past six weeks, I thought I knew what I was doing. Then it dawned on me that something was not right (in reference to time frame of harvest). My plants seemed to have reached a plateau. No new growth or increase in bud size. I began to panic.
For nearly a week I self diagnosed the plant trying to figure out where in the hell I went wrong. Finally after coming to several dead ends I decided to flush my system. I decided to talk to someone that had knowledge and experience. After explaining my situation to my new found friend, he advised me that I was drowning the plants. The roots were not getting the proper amount of oxygen and were not getting enough nutrients. After some back tracking I realized where I went wrong.
During the transition from growing to blooming, I failed to pay attention to some minor details. During the sexing, six plants went to three plants. I did not even think that the nutrients needed to be adjusted as well as water level. The only thing that saved me was that they were so diluted it didnt burn my plants. What it did do was slow down the growth of the plants. Im nearing ten weeks and the plants have roughly five weeks of blooming.
I went straight home after identifying the problem. My girlfriend assisted with making adjustments and feeding the nutes. I was relieved that we solved the problem but found that I needed to have patience again. This is not an overnight process. It will take several days before I can fully judge any improvements (as in new growth). However, within 24 hours there has been some significant improvement in color of leaves and buds
Ive been researching lighting all day. The mechanics of lights and lighting are foreign to me. I believe I am comfortable with feeding now that I got that under control. I switched the feeding to three times (every 8 hours) a day to help dry out some of the roots. I hope that the change made doesnt hurt yield or potency. By no means am I close to being an expert, but the art of this is rewarding in knowledge as well.
My Light Set-Up:
The multi spectrum lighting system provides an unbelievable 17,000* LUMENS!!. Available in three different spectrum combinations; vegetative, flowering or multi spectrum.
Includes one 30K Spiral, one 41K Spiral and one 50K Tube style bulb. A multi-purpose variety of light spectrums that can be used for both flowering and vegetative applications.
Includes Two 65K Spirals and one 50K Tube style bulb. Best for pure vegetative purposes.
Includes Two 30K Spirals and one 50K Tube style bulb. Best for purely flowering purposes.
My girlfriend and I baked some brownies the other night with the trimmings Ive collected. Not too sure if I felt anything but she said she caught a buzz. My tolerance is high, not to mention being high with a little alcohol buzz when devouring a few of them leaves my experiment inconclusive (as in potency of plant).
Im very anxious to get a new crop growing. My setup for Crop #2 will have some adjustments made along with some new equipment installed (General Hydroponics Waterfarm). This hobby can get expensive if you dont control your limits. Im not growing for sale so my income cant all go to the best on the market. Its going to take some time and fine tuning but within the next two crops I should have a better grasp on what I am doing and a pretty good size stash to always have around.
I have a plant started in the aero garden (4 weeks). It was a side experiment that doesnt seem to be as fun. The nutes suck on the system and all the adjustments and mistakes I have made stress is starting to show on the plant. Depending on time frame and IF the plant lives I may use it in next crop. It will be five weeks Saturday and Im having thoughts on leaving it until I can determine the sex. Again this all has to factor in time frame for remaining crop.
I used seeds that I saved over the year I curiously collected from different stashes. Not too sure if they are any count but from my research its stated that youre better off spending the money and going with seed banks. Its expensive for 10-12 seeds but in the long run you will be thankful. However, I do recommend going with average seeds until you get a grasp on what needs to be done to successfully grow from start to finish.
February 23, 2009
While driving to work this morning, I pondered over the age of this crop. I should have kept track but I have learned that it is important to journal this hobby. It keeps your crop on a schedule and you from losing your mind. Im guessing 6-9 weeks into blooming. However, the past mistake I made with over watering and nutes may have caused the delay in growth. The only thing I can do and pay close attention to detail and have patience.
I have read several times that you should allow yourself mistakes while growing. It is a science. Nevertheless, it is the excitement that builds over time that causes you to get ahead of yourself. Ive had to back track several times with this crop with the only thing saving my ass from killing the plant was research. This is not a common flower it needs attention and dedication, and unless you are willing to devote time I suggest not even trying cause the outcome will always be the same a dead plant.
Im going out of town this weekend for four days. My girlfriend is watching the plants for me. Im a little nervous because of all the stress last week on the plant and me, they have become like my children. Being this far along with a matter of weeks left practicing patience and disciple is all I can do. I need to spend some time studying the process of harvesting and curing.
The plant in the aero garden is still alive but not looking good. Considering its just an average seed, I think Ill start over with two imported seeds and use the aerogarden to jump start the next crop. I hope to harvest mid to late March and that would put the babies at 2-4 weeks old. I can then transplant them to grow room and within several weeks (8-10 weeks of age) I can begin sexing them.
There are several new methods of growing that I am going to incorporate into this crop. Size is an issue when growing in a closet. I played with the light too much on this crop which caused one plant to be pruned several times during growth and blooming. Ive read that keeping light as close to the plant without burning it will control size. Secondly, topping is another method of slowing down the growth rate of the plant.
My feeding schedule and time between water changes are now under control. That should show better results in next crop. In addition, better nutrients and a better hydro kit will make feeding and caring after easier. As for light, I am not too sure on what I want to do. My grow guru agreed that 315 watts was more than enough for two plants. However, it is the cost of bulbs and replacing every six months that bothers me. I will state that my electric bill has been average with no real worries. That makes me lean towards sticking to what works. Lighting is still a work in progress.
There will be extensive cleaning done to grow room after harvesting. I need to do fix wire adjustments and get what is not used out and organized. Having to much clutter makes it difficult to work around plant. It also opens the closet up for better air circulation and ventilation. I may add another coat of white paint to freshen it up it is looking a little dull.
I am looking into the methods of proper harvesting and curing. I will be cutting from the top and working down slowly in hopes of allowing the lower smaller buds time to bloom. This will put harvesting in stages of weeks depending on the plant. This will put longer growth on aero garden seeds and size will remain small no matter what age. When I transplant them to grow room if age is 8 + weeks I can begin sexing (12/12 light) and once determined bring back to growth (18/6 light). The only problem with this is longer time frame until next harvest.
Most of the bud that is harvest will be cured properly and this can take weeks. There will be a small amount that I will quick dry, the result of proper curing leaves potency stronger and better tasting. Granted, the itch to quick dry it all is what I have to avoid. Blowing my load to quick defeats all that I stand for when I decided to pursue this endeavor. The buds are a thank you for caring after a living thing.
No one other than selected few (names will not be mention), will know about my hobby. This is not meant as a financial remedy (even though it will save me money), it was for the purpose of enjoyment and education. What I do is my business and if something happens then obviously I was playing too much. I want to keep things simple, fun and discreet. The rewards are well worth being cautious.
This brings me to my next topic; Paranoia. Ive been a devoted pot smoker for several years, paranoia never really bothered me. However, combine smoking and growing you WILL get your fair share of paranoia. Itll be the smallest thing and you will be beside yourself until the issue is managed. It is a rollercoaster ride and there is no getting around the fear. Ive told myself that I take FULL responsibility and it is what it is, I made the choice. Learn what makes you feel that way and fix the problem. That is all you can do.
Crop #1 seems to be doing well and no signs of stress. Thursday I will do a water change with feeding before I leave (5 days since last feeding). This will be the first time for new feeding schedule. My only concern is that stress will occur while I am away. Again it is out of my hands. My girlfriend would help but I dont want her to feel guilty if something does go wrong and the plant dies. Again, all I can do is just wait and see.
Ive been smoking on some shit I bought last week that isnt worth the time to share. Another good example of why I am over the chase. You never know what you are going to get and its usually from an average smoker. I havent smoked anything spectacular in over a year (if not more). Dont get me wrong there have been some note worthy smoke over the year but I am looking for more than that. When I get high must be longer than fifteen minutes. Is that asking too much?
This weekend there might be a possibility of picking up some decent smoke. Finding Harold in other states is always a plus for me. Its something different and change is good when comes to the shit I have been smoking lately. The worst part is having weed thats no good and still smoking it because you cant find anything better. That is a pisser for me, especially when my crop is nearing the end. Patience truly is a virtue.
February 24, 2009
Ive made the decision to germinate two export seeds and start them off in aerogarden. This way I have two plants growing and at sexing have a better chance of at least one being a female. I have three seeds germinating in hopes of two sprouting at or around the same time. The exported seeds seem to take a longer to germinate opposed to the average seeds even with method of germination being the exact same.
Plants in grow room are still doing well. There are signs of new growth in buds and leaves. Need to check the water today to make sure the water level is still near pumps level to run correctly. This will also determine if plants are absorbing the food, but from the looks of the plants, I think all is well.
1.) Begin harvest when 70% of hairs have turned. Start at top of the plant and cut buds that are ready. Leave other half until it has bloomed.
2.) Cut branches off and trim leaves off the bud (more removed better the taste).
3.) Hang in a dry dark place. Avoid touching buds, this degrades the THC and causes the damage to the crystals.
4.) After 4-8 days the buds should be dry (depending on size of the bud). The stem should be slightly moist. You want the stem to bend almost to the point of breaking.
5.) Final trim of cutting it down to size. Place them in a brown bag and roll the top closed. Place the bag in drying area for 6 hours; rotate the buds every few hours so that any moisture may escape the center. Repeat until buds and stems are at evenly dry to desire levels. Enjoy!
This is a summary of everything I have absorbed on harvesting and curing. After this process is complete, all bud will be stored in glass jars. I have found over the last month from my experience and others that it preserves the bud. If it gets too dry, I add a slice of orange peel in for a few days and it fluffs it back up. It also leaves a slight citrus taste as well. The bud cannot be too moist when storing in jars, this can cause mold and ruin until contents.
Flowering can be speeded up towards the end when time comes to harvest. It will cause the bud to ripe quicker but may cause smaller yields. Not sure if I want to toy with that idea just yet considering I am leaving for the weekend. I think one more week will help balance all the change over the past week and then I can pursue this harvest. This will put it possibly closer to 8 weeks of flowering. I need to determine the size of the bud when I return. Being away for several days will allow me to study the bud with fresh eyes.
I have been trimming the fan leaves of the past two weeks due to the bushiness of the plant. After thinning it out, Ive notice a small increase in buds. However, the fan leaves are what help the plant in replenishing nutrients and when damaged can slow the growth rate down. It can also weaken the potency.
It amazes me that I have not killed this plant yet with all the stress I have put the poor thing through. Nevertheless, I am going to speed up the budding process by increasing dark to light (12/13 light schedule). In hopes of switching light schedule I might be able to salvage what I can on the bottom half once I get top half harvested. Then I will switch light back to 12/12 and see what happens with bottom half. Again, this is my first time and I still have a lot of patience to learn when it comes to growing.
Added some fresh water to reservoir today to help circulate more oxygen before Thursdays water change and feeding. Each plant needs anywhere from 1 ½ - 3 inches of water (including nutes) in reservoir and only adding water when needing between next water change and feeding. There are so many steps when it does come to the care of marijuana plants. However, I think its safe to assume that the reward is well worth the patience and education.
Crop #2 will be written more in the form of steps and note. I want to document what works for me and fine tune it to what works best for me and the plant. I am not expecting Cannabis Cup winning bud for myself. It is the art of growing that fascinates me. The rewards are just that. Documenting every detail from start to finish will help identify problems easier. In addition, it keeps you on track until harvest. Not having this information has pissed me off to no end. It becomes frustrating trying to judge what is happening when you have NOTHING to go on.
Checked on seeds (12 hours later), no sign of sprouting. My method is taking a paper towel soaking it with water and folding it into halfs. Once seeds are placed, the paper towel is folded twice for extra darkness and moister. Then I place the paper towel on a plate, cover with a bowl and kept in a warm place. I found this to be easy and time wise you can expect sprouting from 24-72 hours. Again, patience there is NO speedy process when it comes to germination.
My germination method may have changed. I was at a Lowes this afternoon and found a germination tray. Garden season is near and seeds and mediums are already on the shelves. I bought a small kit to see what time frame it brings for sprouting. I placed two exported seeds in two containers. After a few weeks I will transplant to grow room. They are in cheap containers for the time being, but I found that I can cut the cup and place the medium in the bucket.
Depending on what time frame this gives I will be able to keep plant watered until transfer. At that time, I will introduce nutrients after the plant is several weeks old. I am excited to see what transpires over the next few weeks with the sprouted seeds. I am fighting nature on how long it will be until bud is ripe. I hope the light to darkness difference speeds up the process by a week or more.
February 25, 2009
I clipped a bud from the smaller plant due to all hairs being brown. After allowing it to sit out in the air for several hours, I couldnt stand it any longer I had to have a taste. The flavor was fruity but I cannot place it. Never tasted bud like this before, very pleasing with small head buzz for forty minutes give or take. There wont be many buds from this plant due to size. It never really had a chance during grow phase. It sprouted late and never got a chance to catch up. There is still more time left with bigger plant. Maybe another week or so Im guessing. There are two judges tonight on sampling pre-cutting, eager to hear feedback.
Paranoia got the best of me today. After speaking on the phone as I swore I wouldnt do about this my mind began racing. Then to top that off I pass two police officers heading towards my neighborhood. FUCK! I turned around and kept my cool until I got back near the house and realized all was well. This also goes with hearing helicopters flying over this morning. Im not sure if they even fuck with heat detection but either way my butt still puckers every time I hear one.
Smell has become more obvious; my girlfriend noticed it before I opened the door. As of right now its not lingering downstairs. However, in the next week or two (around harvest) I know that smell will be an issue. Im not too sure on how I want to handle this problem. May open windows and let air circulate in that room after first cutting. This may allow me to finish harvesting and curing all in that room. My other concern is how potent the smell will be and if leaving the window open is a good idea at all?
Still no signs of life in germinating pods, I hope to leave them under the light for time being until I can make the transfer. This sounds like a great idea and all, but the issue of them out growing the pod before transfer is my main apprehension. I dont want to ruin these seeds considering they are the exported, too good to waste.
Ive been reading more on bubbleponics, not sure all the changes Ive made are correct for this type of system. I am very confused with water levels, nutrient amount and the balance with two plants opposed to six in the system. I need to have a grasp on this before next grow. This could cost me and I am hanging on by a thread every day hoping this crop will finish with no major problems.
Research has shown that nutrients can be left for 12-14 days before water change. Ive read mix reviews on changing water between 5-7 days. Both methods seem to be balanced with pros and cons. Feed timing seems to be another issue Im obviously not studying correctly. Not sure if it needs continuous flow or drip 3 times a day for 5-15 minutes. Need to find a book discussing all methods and results. All methods make sense but does it really matter hydro vs. bubble? Can both methods be combined to create your own without costing the crop?
Fuck me! I think I answered my own question while in the shower. Other than feeding being continuous as for water level vs. nutrients I think everything is kosher. It took some sorting in my head to finally grasp what I was thinking. One thing I will need to purchase is a ph meter (electric). Tabs/strips that I am using are going to go quick and that leaves evidence in trash. Might need to invest in a minute timer versus the 15-60 minute intervals, slight change over feeding might occur with that much time. Again more research needs to be studied.
February 26, 2009
Water and nutrient change completed this morning. My dumb ass was not paying attention this morning and mixed the wrong two nutes. THAT WOULDVE COST ME! I need to get my shit together; not paying attention is going to burn me and the plant. I immediately washed out the container and added the right nutrient mix. The pump just came on and feeding has begun. Honestly, Im over this crop and blooming. Dont get me wrong, but I am anxious to start over and correct my mistakes and see what results it might bring.
Smaller plant has developed more crystals and amber hairs over night. Im going to snag a few to take on trip this weekend. I have some friends Id like to share this with and see what kind of reaction it receives. My girlfriend sampled a taste last night and agreed on flavor. Im not sure if she caught a buzz, she was mentally occupied in family matters during testing.
I was reading a little about the seed to flower method (12/12 from sprout to bud). Its documented several times that yields wont be as good. It takes the plant 4-6 weeks to sexually mature. Using this method the plant does not have all the light it can get to thrive and causes size to remain small. However, harvest is anywhere between 5-6 weeks with yields close to an ounce. This may be my next side project when blooming begins. Itll keep my mind occupied so Im not as restless waiting to start another crop.
Plants seem to be doing alright today. I hope the changes I made are going to fuck things up while I am gone. No signs of sprouting on Crop #2, and before I even think about transplanting I need to order another Water Farm. If by luck I end up with two females I may feed differently to see what kind of results I get, plus this will cut back cost on nutrients.
I downloaded a packet of hydroponic information to take on my trip this weekend. This might help answer some of my questions before I start Crop #2. There is no room for minor mishaps this time. The key is to pay attention (like everything in life) and journal. I curse myself every single day for not following those two basic steps with this crop. Thinking you can remember it all (especially when youre a pot smoker) and know it all in the first grow will bite you in the ass more than likely the fuck up was your fault.
The harvest for the top half on larger plant should be decent in size. Bud does decrease in size and weight after harvesting and curing. Nevertheless, no matter what amount I have theres no room to complain. Ive figured after several crops, this will pay for itself once I learn how to grow the right amount for myself. I can save money and not worry about having to chase it down. Expensive hobby with no extra income at the end of it, but for a personal hobby/enjoyment its well worth the time!
After some researching, I have discovered that plants dont need nutrients until 3 or more set of leaves have appeared. That will be a wonderful thing if that holds true for my germination project. That leaves me a window of 2-4 weeks depending on the plant and environment. I am going to leave them in grow room under 11/13 light for time being. If I am correct, this will slow down growth rate and may allow me time to harvest and clean room before transplant.
After transplanting occurs, Ill introduce nutrients at the amount of ¼ gallon every 8 hours. Lighting will also be switched to 20/4 for 4-5 weeks to help growth maturity before I decide to sex. Water/nutrient mix will be change every 6-7 days. Im skeptical in believing that 12-14 days is allowed in between changes. Ive had no ph issues with this method and if I understand correctly after 7 days ph issues can arise. I may also add a smaller air stone to bucket(s). Thisll helps with creating new oxygen in the water, circulating nutrients which in turn can benefit plant. Adding fresh water every two days in between changes also helps in oxygen production.
February 27, 2009
All is well with the plants. No sign of stress and as for the smaller plant, I am cutting few more buds. She is about done with budding and her size will not amount to much more. Im taking samples with me for a few close friends to taste. Im interested in seeing their reaction, being that all of them are enthusiastic pot smokers. Im hoping to score some smoke while Im on this trip. Usually dont have a problem acquiring it depending on time frame.
February 28, 2009
Via phone plants are doing well. Crystals are forming on the larger plant which means giving it that one extra of hour (darkness) pushed it to begin ripening. My tasty treats were raved about last night by friends. Taste was the biggest factor. One friend caught a body buzz that pleased him especially. As for me, I couldnt be more thrilled with my creation.
One of my friends also proceeded in warning me of the consequences involving my hobby (after willingly and enthusiastically enjoying my treats). Nevertheless, it shows that I have friends that care about me. The rewards of my labor are to be shared with my friends with no intention of gaining anything more than a good time. If something does happen I am to blame and again I take full responsibility.
There are numerous reasons why I chose to grow using hydroponics. The growth rate is 30-50 percent faster than soil, even in the same environment. The roots dont have to search for food when grown hydroponically. The plant doesnt have to expand energy in search and breakdown of nutrients. In return, the plant uses that energy to grow and produce. There are fewer problems with diseases, insects and funguses, but most importantly, I could do it in the privacy of my home and closet.
Basic Light Information:
Ive been researching the difference between High Pressure Sodium (HPS) and Metal Halide. High Intensity Discharge (HID) lights refers to the color spectrum that is emitted from each. HPS (appear very yellow-orange in color) bulbs emit light that is concentrated in the red to yellow side of the spectrum and are weak in the blue-violet end. While MH (more blue-white in color) bulbs emit light that is very balanced containing all the energy peaks at wavelengths of the visible spectrum.
Which light should I use? Halide lights have a very balanced spectrum and are superb for vegetative growth. However, Halide lights produce between 65-115 lumens per watt (which is a measure of the efficiency of the bulb, or how much light is produced from the amount of electricity being used). Sodium lights produce light that is very bright and concentrated on the yellow to red side of the color spectrum. This color is not as balanced as the Halide but it makes up for lacking in the color spectrum in the amount of light produced by the bulb. Sodium bulbs life expectancy and efficiency are superior while Halides are better in spectral distribution. Decision will be based on what is more important to the individual.
Ive read that many people switch bulbs for different stages of growth. There are several reasons for this method. Sodium bulbs may cause plants to grow gangly and stretched out because of the yellow to red spectrum that is produced. MH bulbs tend to keep plants tighter with less space between internodes. The thought is to use MH lights during vegetative growth to keep the structural growth tight. Then switch to Sodium lights when the plants begin to flower, the amount of intense light produced by Sodium bulbs aids in the flower development. Either light can be used throughout the life of a plant and get excellent results.
Color rendering (CRI) is a measure of lighting quality. Measurements are based on an index from 0-100, natural daylight and incandescent lighting both equal to 100. Lamps using a high CRI make objects appear more true to life. Plants grow better with a higher CRI light source (generally the higher the CRI the lower the lamp efficiency).
Color temperature is measured by the color appearance of light not the actual temperature. Light sources that appear bright white to blue-white have a high color temperature (3600K and above) and are described as cool. Sources that appear yellow-white to red-white have a low color temperature (3400K and below) and are described as warm. Daylight is considered to be around 5500K and plants grown under this light do well. The cost of the lamp increases as the color temperature goes up (due to rare materials required to fill arc tube).
A lumen is the unit that expresses the total quality of light given of by a source, regardless of direction. It is defined as the amount of light falling on a surface of 1 square foot, every point of which is one foot away from source (a section of the inside surface of a sphere), of one candlepower. A uniform source of one candlepower placed in a sphere emits 12.57 lumens.
Initial Lumens is the measurement of the intensity of the lamp initially. Lamps do get dime over time and replacing them after 60% of the rated life is recommended for best performance.
STEALTH HYDRO QUESTIONS (Call Support next week):
1.) What is the life span of the multi-configuration light bulbs (for all bulbs used in lighting system)?
2.) Should I be using a ballast? (If no, would it be beneficial?)
3.) What other bulbs fit this system, if any?
a. Cost?
b. Energy bill increase?
c. Life span
March 3, 2009
The plants have stayed balanced with all the stress Ive put them through over the past few weeks. Water change/feeding was conducted this morning. Crop #2 has sprouted with two thriving in germination cup #1. The cup #2 has nothing as of today. I decided to also germinate and regulate some seeds on the aero garden again. Im only going to use fresh water until I see 6 or 7 nodes. Once this occurs I will add nutrients and sex the plant on the aero garden. After determining sex, I will then transplant to grow room allowing 3-4 weeks of vegetative growth before flowering. Out of 5 seeds I hope to have two female plants. All seeds for Crop #2 are all exported seeds. I need to place another order for new seeds in the next several months for Crop #3.
Spoke with SH Hydroponics this morning. They were very helpful and answered all my questions. As for my lighting system and light bulbs, they will remain the same. The system has had no problems with heat, increases in electric bill (very minimum) and is more than enough light for two plants. In addition, as for a ballast, the system has a small unit built in already. The lights life span is good for a year (possibly 2 years depending on humidity in room). After a year (October 200
, new lights will be used and old light will be saved for emergency use.
There are several books that Im interested in reading in reference to growing marijuana. However, my concern lies with purchasing these books and being put on a list (i.e. DEA). Not too sure how I want to approach this just yet. Before I jump into locating these books I want to make sure nothing ties me to a list. Just being cautious, again paranoia is a bitch.
After being a smoker for some time, I got tired of the chase. All the contributing factors that are involved in chasing Harold down got me thinking. Why not grow my own shit and say fuck everybody else? No more spending my hard earned cash and worrying about getting caught having to re-up. This idea was becoming real the more I read on indoor growing. After some planning and saving, I bought my first kit complete with light and instructions on how to grow using hydroponics.
I promised myself that this project was for my enjoyment only. There will be NO financial gains and all responsibility is on me. All things considered NO ONE other than a selected few knows about this project. The fruits of my labor are to be consumed for enjoyment, pleasure and relaxation. Im not looking for a profit, I have a job. This is a hobby with rewards if done correctly.
It wasnt until last summer and my first vegetable garden did I come to realize I had a fascination with growing. My yields for a first time grower were incredible. I couldnt get enough time in the garden. It was very therapeutic and fun. As the summer ended so did gardening. Or did it? That was when the seed was planted literally and figuratively speaking to pursue the science of indoor gardening. However, this time it wouldnt be vegetables (Stealth Hydro Bubbleponics).
The day I got my grow kit it was minutes before I had it up and running. The first week was frustrating. The plant could not grow fast enough (in my eyes). I became absorbed with learning more about the science of growing using hydroponics. Every answered question just thrilled me to no end. During that first eight weeks, I gained so much information that I found myself getting more intrigued by my new found passion.
Ive limited myself to growing two plants. However, once you enter sexing it is a fifty percent chance that one will be female. My first crop never made it after ten weeks. Every plant was a male which resulted in starting over. There is an important lesson for all first time growers and that is patience. Nature has the upper hand. It sucks but it is what it is so its best to chalk it up as a loss.
Im in the last few weeks of my first crop and there have been several trial and errors. One is being ignorant to the subject. There is more to planting the seed and putting the lights on a timer. Over the past six weeks, I thought I knew what I was doing. Then it dawned on me that something was not right (in reference to time frame of harvest). My plants seemed to have reached a plateau. No new growth or increase in bud size. I began to panic.
For nearly a week I self diagnosed the plant trying to figure out where in the hell I went wrong. Finally after coming to several dead ends I decided to flush my system. I decided to talk to someone that had knowledge and experience. After explaining my situation to my new found friend, he advised me that I was drowning the plants. The roots were not getting the proper amount of oxygen and were not getting enough nutrients. After some back tracking I realized where I went wrong.
During the transition from growing to blooming, I failed to pay attention to some minor details. During the sexing, six plants went to three plants. I did not even think that the nutrients needed to be adjusted as well as water level. The only thing that saved me was that they were so diluted it didnt burn my plants. What it did do was slow down the growth of the plants. Im nearing ten weeks and the plants have roughly five weeks of blooming.
I went straight home after identifying the problem. My girlfriend assisted with making adjustments and feeding the nutes. I was relieved that we solved the problem but found that I needed to have patience again. This is not an overnight process. It will take several days before I can fully judge any improvements (as in new growth). However, within 24 hours there has been some significant improvement in color of leaves and buds
Ive been researching lighting all day. The mechanics of lights and lighting are foreign to me. I believe I am comfortable with feeding now that I got that under control. I switched the feeding to three times (every 8 hours) a day to help dry out some of the roots. I hope that the change made doesnt hurt yield or potency. By no means am I close to being an expert, but the art of this is rewarding in knowledge as well.
My Light Set-Up:
The multi spectrum lighting system provides an unbelievable 17,000* LUMENS!!. Available in three different spectrum combinations; vegetative, flowering or multi spectrum.
Includes one 30K Spiral, one 41K Spiral and one 50K Tube style bulb. A multi-purpose variety of light spectrums that can be used for both flowering and vegetative applications.
Includes Two 65K Spirals and one 50K Tube style bulb. Best for pure vegetative purposes.
Includes Two 30K Spirals and one 50K Tube style bulb. Best for purely flowering purposes.
My girlfriend and I baked some brownies the other night with the trimmings Ive collected. Not too sure if I felt anything but she said she caught a buzz. My tolerance is high, not to mention being high with a little alcohol buzz when devouring a few of them leaves my experiment inconclusive (as in potency of plant).
Im very anxious to get a new crop growing. My setup for Crop #2 will have some adjustments made along with some new equipment installed (General Hydroponics Waterfarm). This hobby can get expensive if you dont control your limits. Im not growing for sale so my income cant all go to the best on the market. Its going to take some time and fine tuning but within the next two crops I should have a better grasp on what I am doing and a pretty good size stash to always have around.
I have a plant started in the aero garden (4 weeks). It was a side experiment that doesnt seem to be as fun. The nutes suck on the system and all the adjustments and mistakes I have made stress is starting to show on the plant. Depending on time frame and IF the plant lives I may use it in next crop. It will be five weeks Saturday and Im having thoughts on leaving it until I can determine the sex. Again this all has to factor in time frame for remaining crop.
I used seeds that I saved over the year I curiously collected from different stashes. Not too sure if they are any count but from my research its stated that youre better off spending the money and going with seed banks. Its expensive for 10-12 seeds but in the long run you will be thankful. However, I do recommend going with average seeds until you get a grasp on what needs to be done to successfully grow from start to finish.
February 23, 2009
While driving to work this morning, I pondered over the age of this crop. I should have kept track but I have learned that it is important to journal this hobby. It keeps your crop on a schedule and you from losing your mind. Im guessing 6-9 weeks into blooming. However, the past mistake I made with over watering and nutes may have caused the delay in growth. The only thing I can do and pay close attention to detail and have patience.
I have read several times that you should allow yourself mistakes while growing. It is a science. Nevertheless, it is the excitement that builds over time that causes you to get ahead of yourself. Ive had to back track several times with this crop with the only thing saving my ass from killing the plant was research. This is not a common flower it needs attention and dedication, and unless you are willing to devote time I suggest not even trying cause the outcome will always be the same a dead plant.
Im going out of town this weekend for four days. My girlfriend is watching the plants for me. Im a little nervous because of all the stress last week on the plant and me, they have become like my children. Being this far along with a matter of weeks left practicing patience and disciple is all I can do. I need to spend some time studying the process of harvesting and curing.
The plant in the aero garden is still alive but not looking good. Considering its just an average seed, I think Ill start over with two imported seeds and use the aerogarden to jump start the next crop. I hope to harvest mid to late March and that would put the babies at 2-4 weeks old. I can then transplant them to grow room and within several weeks (8-10 weeks of age) I can begin sexing them.
There are several new methods of growing that I am going to incorporate into this crop. Size is an issue when growing in a closet. I played with the light too much on this crop which caused one plant to be pruned several times during growth and blooming. Ive read that keeping light as close to the plant without burning it will control size. Secondly, topping is another method of slowing down the growth rate of the plant.
My feeding schedule and time between water changes are now under control. That should show better results in next crop. In addition, better nutrients and a better hydro kit will make feeding and caring after easier. As for light, I am not too sure on what I want to do. My grow guru agreed that 315 watts was more than enough for two plants. However, it is the cost of bulbs and replacing every six months that bothers me. I will state that my electric bill has been average with no real worries. That makes me lean towards sticking to what works. Lighting is still a work in progress.
There will be extensive cleaning done to grow room after harvesting. I need to do fix wire adjustments and get what is not used out and organized. Having to much clutter makes it difficult to work around plant. It also opens the closet up for better air circulation and ventilation. I may add another coat of white paint to freshen it up it is looking a little dull.
I am looking into the methods of proper harvesting and curing. I will be cutting from the top and working down slowly in hopes of allowing the lower smaller buds time to bloom. This will put harvesting in stages of weeks depending on the plant. This will put longer growth on aero garden seeds and size will remain small no matter what age. When I transplant them to grow room if age is 8 + weeks I can begin sexing (12/12 light) and once determined bring back to growth (18/6 light). The only problem with this is longer time frame until next harvest.
Most of the bud that is harvest will be cured properly and this can take weeks. There will be a small amount that I will quick dry, the result of proper curing leaves potency stronger and better tasting. Granted, the itch to quick dry it all is what I have to avoid. Blowing my load to quick defeats all that I stand for when I decided to pursue this endeavor. The buds are a thank you for caring after a living thing.
No one other than selected few (names will not be mention), will know about my hobby. This is not meant as a financial remedy (even though it will save me money), it was for the purpose of enjoyment and education. What I do is my business and if something happens then obviously I was playing too much. I want to keep things simple, fun and discreet. The rewards are well worth being cautious.
This brings me to my next topic; Paranoia. Ive been a devoted pot smoker for several years, paranoia never really bothered me. However, combine smoking and growing you WILL get your fair share of paranoia. Itll be the smallest thing and you will be beside yourself until the issue is managed. It is a rollercoaster ride and there is no getting around the fear. Ive told myself that I take FULL responsibility and it is what it is, I made the choice. Learn what makes you feel that way and fix the problem. That is all you can do.
Crop #1 seems to be doing well and no signs of stress. Thursday I will do a water change with feeding before I leave (5 days since last feeding). This will be the first time for new feeding schedule. My only concern is that stress will occur while I am away. Again it is out of my hands. My girlfriend would help but I dont want her to feel guilty if something does go wrong and the plant dies. Again, all I can do is just wait and see.
Ive been smoking on some shit I bought last week that isnt worth the time to share. Another good example of why I am over the chase. You never know what you are going to get and its usually from an average smoker. I havent smoked anything spectacular in over a year (if not more). Dont get me wrong there have been some note worthy smoke over the year but I am looking for more than that. When I get high must be longer than fifteen minutes. Is that asking too much?
This weekend there might be a possibility of picking up some decent smoke. Finding Harold in other states is always a plus for me. Its something different and change is good when comes to the shit I have been smoking lately. The worst part is having weed thats no good and still smoking it because you cant find anything better. That is a pisser for me, especially when my crop is nearing the end. Patience truly is a virtue.
February 24, 2009
Ive made the decision to germinate two export seeds and start them off in aerogarden. This way I have two plants growing and at sexing have a better chance of at least one being a female. I have three seeds germinating in hopes of two sprouting at or around the same time. The exported seeds seem to take a longer to germinate opposed to the average seeds even with method of germination being the exact same.
Plants in grow room are still doing well. There are signs of new growth in buds and leaves. Need to check the water today to make sure the water level is still near pumps level to run correctly. This will also determine if plants are absorbing the food, but from the looks of the plants, I think all is well.
1.) Begin harvest when 70% of hairs have turned. Start at top of the plant and cut buds that are ready. Leave other half until it has bloomed.
2.) Cut branches off and trim leaves off the bud (more removed better the taste).
3.) Hang in a dry dark place. Avoid touching buds, this degrades the THC and causes the damage to the crystals.
4.) After 4-8 days the buds should be dry (depending on size of the bud). The stem should be slightly moist. You want the stem to bend almost to the point of breaking.
5.) Final trim of cutting it down to size. Place them in a brown bag and roll the top closed. Place the bag in drying area for 6 hours; rotate the buds every few hours so that any moisture may escape the center. Repeat until buds and stems are at evenly dry to desire levels. Enjoy!
This is a summary of everything I have absorbed on harvesting and curing. After this process is complete, all bud will be stored in glass jars. I have found over the last month from my experience and others that it preserves the bud. If it gets too dry, I add a slice of orange peel in for a few days and it fluffs it back up. It also leaves a slight citrus taste as well. The bud cannot be too moist when storing in jars, this can cause mold and ruin until contents.
Flowering can be speeded up towards the end when time comes to harvest. It will cause the bud to ripe quicker but may cause smaller yields. Not sure if I want to toy with that idea just yet considering I am leaving for the weekend. I think one more week will help balance all the change over the past week and then I can pursue this harvest. This will put it possibly closer to 8 weeks of flowering. I need to determine the size of the bud when I return. Being away for several days will allow me to study the bud with fresh eyes.
I have been trimming the fan leaves of the past two weeks due to the bushiness of the plant. After thinning it out, Ive notice a small increase in buds. However, the fan leaves are what help the plant in replenishing nutrients and when damaged can slow the growth rate down. It can also weaken the potency.
It amazes me that I have not killed this plant yet with all the stress I have put the poor thing through. Nevertheless, I am going to speed up the budding process by increasing dark to light (12/13 light schedule). In hopes of switching light schedule I might be able to salvage what I can on the bottom half once I get top half harvested. Then I will switch light back to 12/12 and see what happens with bottom half. Again, this is my first time and I still have a lot of patience to learn when it comes to growing.
Added some fresh water to reservoir today to help circulate more oxygen before Thursdays water change and feeding. Each plant needs anywhere from 1 ½ - 3 inches of water (including nutes) in reservoir and only adding water when needing between next water change and feeding. There are so many steps when it does come to the care of marijuana plants. However, I think its safe to assume that the reward is well worth the patience and education.
Crop #2 will be written more in the form of steps and note. I want to document what works for me and fine tune it to what works best for me and the plant. I am not expecting Cannabis Cup winning bud for myself. It is the art of growing that fascinates me. The rewards are just that. Documenting every detail from start to finish will help identify problems easier. In addition, it keeps you on track until harvest. Not having this information has pissed me off to no end. It becomes frustrating trying to judge what is happening when you have NOTHING to go on.
Checked on seeds (12 hours later), no sign of sprouting. My method is taking a paper towel soaking it with water and folding it into halfs. Once seeds are placed, the paper towel is folded twice for extra darkness and moister. Then I place the paper towel on a plate, cover with a bowl and kept in a warm place. I found this to be easy and time wise you can expect sprouting from 24-72 hours. Again, patience there is NO speedy process when it comes to germination.
My germination method may have changed. I was at a Lowes this afternoon and found a germination tray. Garden season is near and seeds and mediums are already on the shelves. I bought a small kit to see what time frame it brings for sprouting. I placed two exported seeds in two containers. After a few weeks I will transplant to grow room. They are in cheap containers for the time being, but I found that I can cut the cup and place the medium in the bucket.
Depending on what time frame this gives I will be able to keep plant watered until transfer. At that time, I will introduce nutrients after the plant is several weeks old. I am excited to see what transpires over the next few weeks with the sprouted seeds. I am fighting nature on how long it will be until bud is ripe. I hope the light to darkness difference speeds up the process by a week or more.
February 25, 2009
I clipped a bud from the smaller plant due to all hairs being brown. After allowing it to sit out in the air for several hours, I couldnt stand it any longer I had to have a taste. The flavor was fruity but I cannot place it. Never tasted bud like this before, very pleasing with small head buzz for forty minutes give or take. There wont be many buds from this plant due to size. It never really had a chance during grow phase. It sprouted late and never got a chance to catch up. There is still more time left with bigger plant. Maybe another week or so Im guessing. There are two judges tonight on sampling pre-cutting, eager to hear feedback.
Paranoia got the best of me today. After speaking on the phone as I swore I wouldnt do about this my mind began racing. Then to top that off I pass two police officers heading towards my neighborhood. FUCK! I turned around and kept my cool until I got back near the house and realized all was well. This also goes with hearing helicopters flying over this morning. Im not sure if they even fuck with heat detection but either way my butt still puckers every time I hear one.
Smell has become more obvious; my girlfriend noticed it before I opened the door. As of right now its not lingering downstairs. However, in the next week or two (around harvest) I know that smell will be an issue. Im not too sure on how I want to handle this problem. May open windows and let air circulate in that room after first cutting. This may allow me to finish harvesting and curing all in that room. My other concern is how potent the smell will be and if leaving the window open is a good idea at all?
Still no signs of life in germinating pods, I hope to leave them under the light for time being until I can make the transfer. This sounds like a great idea and all, but the issue of them out growing the pod before transfer is my main apprehension. I dont want to ruin these seeds considering they are the exported, too good to waste.
Ive been reading more on bubbleponics, not sure all the changes Ive made are correct for this type of system. I am very confused with water levels, nutrient amount and the balance with two plants opposed to six in the system. I need to have a grasp on this before next grow. This could cost me and I am hanging on by a thread every day hoping this crop will finish with no major problems.
Research has shown that nutrients can be left for 12-14 days before water change. Ive read mix reviews on changing water between 5-7 days. Both methods seem to be balanced with pros and cons. Feed timing seems to be another issue Im obviously not studying correctly. Not sure if it needs continuous flow or drip 3 times a day for 5-15 minutes. Need to find a book discussing all methods and results. All methods make sense but does it really matter hydro vs. bubble? Can both methods be combined to create your own without costing the crop?
Fuck me! I think I answered my own question while in the shower. Other than feeding being continuous as for water level vs. nutrients I think everything is kosher. It took some sorting in my head to finally grasp what I was thinking. One thing I will need to purchase is a ph meter (electric). Tabs/strips that I am using are going to go quick and that leaves evidence in trash. Might need to invest in a minute timer versus the 15-60 minute intervals, slight change over feeding might occur with that much time. Again more research needs to be studied.
February 26, 2009
Water and nutrient change completed this morning. My dumb ass was not paying attention this morning and mixed the wrong two nutes. THAT WOULDVE COST ME! I need to get my shit together; not paying attention is going to burn me and the plant. I immediately washed out the container and added the right nutrient mix. The pump just came on and feeding has begun. Honestly, Im over this crop and blooming. Dont get me wrong, but I am anxious to start over and correct my mistakes and see what results it might bring.
Smaller plant has developed more crystals and amber hairs over night. Im going to snag a few to take on trip this weekend. I have some friends Id like to share this with and see what kind of reaction it receives. My girlfriend sampled a taste last night and agreed on flavor. Im not sure if she caught a buzz, she was mentally occupied in family matters during testing.
I was reading a little about the seed to flower method (12/12 from sprout to bud). Its documented several times that yields wont be as good. It takes the plant 4-6 weeks to sexually mature. Using this method the plant does not have all the light it can get to thrive and causes size to remain small. However, harvest is anywhere between 5-6 weeks with yields close to an ounce. This may be my next side project when blooming begins. Itll keep my mind occupied so Im not as restless waiting to start another crop.
Plants seem to be doing alright today. I hope the changes I made are going to fuck things up while I am gone. No signs of sprouting on Crop #2, and before I even think about transplanting I need to order another Water Farm. If by luck I end up with two females I may feed differently to see what kind of results I get, plus this will cut back cost on nutrients.
I downloaded a packet of hydroponic information to take on my trip this weekend. This might help answer some of my questions before I start Crop #2. There is no room for minor mishaps this time. The key is to pay attention (like everything in life) and journal. I curse myself every single day for not following those two basic steps with this crop. Thinking you can remember it all (especially when youre a pot smoker) and know it all in the first grow will bite you in the ass more than likely the fuck up was your fault.
The harvest for the top half on larger plant should be decent in size. Bud does decrease in size and weight after harvesting and curing. Nevertheless, no matter what amount I have theres no room to complain. Ive figured after several crops, this will pay for itself once I learn how to grow the right amount for myself. I can save money and not worry about having to chase it down. Expensive hobby with no extra income at the end of it, but for a personal hobby/enjoyment its well worth the time!
After some researching, I have discovered that plants dont need nutrients until 3 or more set of leaves have appeared. That will be a wonderful thing if that holds true for my germination project. That leaves me a window of 2-4 weeks depending on the plant and environment. I am going to leave them in grow room under 11/13 light for time being. If I am correct, this will slow down growth rate and may allow me time to harvest and clean room before transplant.
After transplanting occurs, Ill introduce nutrients at the amount of ¼ gallon every 8 hours. Lighting will also be switched to 20/4 for 4-5 weeks to help growth maturity before I decide to sex. Water/nutrient mix will be change every 6-7 days. Im skeptical in believing that 12-14 days is allowed in between changes. Ive had no ph issues with this method and if I understand correctly after 7 days ph issues can arise. I may also add a smaller air stone to bucket(s). Thisll helps with creating new oxygen in the water, circulating nutrients which in turn can benefit plant. Adding fresh water every two days in between changes also helps in oxygen production.
February 27, 2009
All is well with the plants. No sign of stress and as for the smaller plant, I am cutting few more buds. She is about done with budding and her size will not amount to much more. Im taking samples with me for a few close friends to taste. Im interested in seeing their reaction, being that all of them are enthusiastic pot smokers. Im hoping to score some smoke while Im on this trip. Usually dont have a problem acquiring it depending on time frame.
February 28, 2009
Via phone plants are doing well. Crystals are forming on the larger plant which means giving it that one extra of hour (darkness) pushed it to begin ripening. My tasty treats were raved about last night by friends. Taste was the biggest factor. One friend caught a body buzz that pleased him especially. As for me, I couldnt be more thrilled with my creation.
One of my friends also proceeded in warning me of the consequences involving my hobby (after willingly and enthusiastically enjoying my treats). Nevertheless, it shows that I have friends that care about me. The rewards of my labor are to be shared with my friends with no intention of gaining anything more than a good time. If something does happen I am to blame and again I take full responsibility.
There are numerous reasons why I chose to grow using hydroponics. The growth rate is 30-50 percent faster than soil, even in the same environment. The roots dont have to search for food when grown hydroponically. The plant doesnt have to expand energy in search and breakdown of nutrients. In return, the plant uses that energy to grow and produce. There are fewer problems with diseases, insects and funguses, but most importantly, I could do it in the privacy of my home and closet.
Basic Light Information:
Ive been researching the difference between High Pressure Sodium (HPS) and Metal Halide. High Intensity Discharge (HID) lights refers to the color spectrum that is emitted from each. HPS (appear very yellow-orange in color) bulbs emit light that is concentrated in the red to yellow side of the spectrum and are weak in the blue-violet end. While MH (more blue-white in color) bulbs emit light that is very balanced containing all the energy peaks at wavelengths of the visible spectrum.
Which light should I use? Halide lights have a very balanced spectrum and are superb for vegetative growth. However, Halide lights produce between 65-115 lumens per watt (which is a measure of the efficiency of the bulb, or how much light is produced from the amount of electricity being used). Sodium lights produce light that is very bright and concentrated on the yellow to red side of the color spectrum. This color is not as balanced as the Halide but it makes up for lacking in the color spectrum in the amount of light produced by the bulb. Sodium bulbs life expectancy and efficiency are superior while Halides are better in spectral distribution. Decision will be based on what is more important to the individual.
Ive read that many people switch bulbs for different stages of growth. There are several reasons for this method. Sodium bulbs may cause plants to grow gangly and stretched out because of the yellow to red spectrum that is produced. MH bulbs tend to keep plants tighter with less space between internodes. The thought is to use MH lights during vegetative growth to keep the structural growth tight. Then switch to Sodium lights when the plants begin to flower, the amount of intense light produced by Sodium bulbs aids in the flower development. Either light can be used throughout the life of a plant and get excellent results.
Color rendering (CRI) is a measure of lighting quality. Measurements are based on an index from 0-100, natural daylight and incandescent lighting both equal to 100. Lamps using a high CRI make objects appear more true to life. Plants grow better with a higher CRI light source (generally the higher the CRI the lower the lamp efficiency).
Color temperature is measured by the color appearance of light not the actual temperature. Light sources that appear bright white to blue-white have a high color temperature (3600K and above) and are described as cool. Sources that appear yellow-white to red-white have a low color temperature (3400K and below) and are described as warm. Daylight is considered to be around 5500K and plants grown under this light do well. The cost of the lamp increases as the color temperature goes up (due to rare materials required to fill arc tube).
A lumen is the unit that expresses the total quality of light given of by a source, regardless of direction. It is defined as the amount of light falling on a surface of 1 square foot, every point of which is one foot away from source (a section of the inside surface of a sphere), of one candlepower. A uniform source of one candlepower placed in a sphere emits 12.57 lumens.
Initial Lumens is the measurement of the intensity of the lamp initially. Lamps do get dime over time and replacing them after 60% of the rated life is recommended for best performance.
STEALTH HYDRO QUESTIONS (Call Support next week):
1.) What is the life span of the multi-configuration light bulbs (for all bulbs used in lighting system)?
2.) Should I be using a ballast? (If no, would it be beneficial?)
3.) What other bulbs fit this system, if any?
a. Cost?
b. Energy bill increase?
c. Life span
March 3, 2009
The plants have stayed balanced with all the stress Ive put them through over the past few weeks. Water change/feeding was conducted this morning. Crop #2 has sprouted with two thriving in germination cup #1. The cup #2 has nothing as of today. I decided to also germinate and regulate some seeds on the aero garden again. Im only going to use fresh water until I see 6 or 7 nodes. Once this occurs I will add nutrients and sex the plant on the aero garden. After determining sex, I will then transplant to grow room allowing 3-4 weeks of vegetative growth before flowering. Out of 5 seeds I hope to have two female plants. All seeds for Crop #2 are all exported seeds. I need to place another order for new seeds in the next several months for Crop #3.
Spoke with SH Hydroponics this morning. They were very helpful and answered all my questions. As for my lighting system and light bulbs, they will remain the same. The system has had no problems with heat, increases in electric bill (very minimum) and is more than enough light for two plants. In addition, as for a ballast, the system has a small unit built in already. The lights life span is good for a year (possibly 2 years depending on humidity in room). After a year (October 200

There are several books that Im interested in reading in reference to growing marijuana. However, my concern lies with purchasing these books and being put on a list (i.e. DEA). Not too sure how I want to approach this just yet. Before I jump into locating these books I want to make sure nothing ties me to a list. Just being cautious, again paranoia is a bitch.