Critical#47, BlackJack, Nebula


been a member on here for a while now but never posted so i thought id share a grow of mine with you guys, im a member on a couple other forums and share most my stuff there but here they are start of the 6th week in flower grown in soil.


pics 1,4,7 and 9 are the critical#47

2 and 5 are the nebula and the rest are the blackjack sorry about the pics all over not used to the pic uploading process lol


ahh yeah sorry, i vegged them under a 400w hps for 3 weeks at 24 hours then a week at 18 hours. i then stuck in another 400w but heat was a problem so i stuck it in the corner vertical which helped bring it down a few degrees.

nutes i am using are nothing in veg they took from the soil BnQ multipurpose, from the 2nd week of flower gave them canna flores with added bigbud from week 3 untill end of week 4 they have now had a week of canna pk13/14 will carry on for a few days. then will do a week of overdrive finished with a 2 week flush.

i give them 10 litres between them every couple of days


Active Member
they look great my friend ...good going man ...

did u notice any major differences using the 400watt hps for veg and not a mh ...
i've got the same hookup, but i vegged with cfl's ...

thinkin about using the hps next time for veg like u did ...


hey there nickman, ive never grown with MH so cant really say, but after some experimenting with hps i found 3 weeks of 24hr helps the plants bush out hell of alot with many branches and tight nodes when the light is at the right hieght.

all i can say by using the hps you get hell of alot of growth! will invest in a MH 1 day


thanks for dropping in BloodHoundsRule you grown the Black Jack before?? would love to hear some info on the smoke/smell of it. my first time growing it would love another growers oppinion on it


Well-Known Member
Its in a jar curing at the moment. Yes I have grown it before and its a very good smoke.Matter of a fact, its all I grow now. Its a longer lasting high. I chop mine at about 9.5 to 10 weeks and it gives me the buzz I'm looking for. Dont let it go the full 11wks or it will lock your butt on the couch.:lol: But if that's what your looking for take it all the way. Unfortunately my job only lets me enjoy it 3 months out of the year so I only grow 2 plants a year.Working on my second plant as we speak.


Thanks BloodHoundsRule best info i could have on that strain shall leave it about 10weeks ish then. shame you only get to grow a couple of plants a year, good luck with the plant you got going at the moment and any pictures??


Well-Known Member
Thanks BloodHoundsRule best info i could have on that strain shall leave it about 10weeks ish then. shame you only get to grow a couple of plants a year, good luck with the plant you got going at the moment and any pictures??
Keep an eye on the tric's. Chopped mine when they were about 10% amber. Yours may turn sooner or later since they are different plants. You can always change your time on your next grow to fine tune it for what you want. I can post some pics here in the next day or two for you. Funny thing is with plant I'm flowering now, it was a clone that I was keeping as my mother. But my male hound decided it needed topped about 2 month ago.:-( It looks kind of rough but will turn out none the less. I did grab a clone off of it about 2.5 wks ago.


yeah i will be inspecting the trichomes nearer harvest with my scope. after this grow i will be moving on to another strain im testing out for someone well theres a few in there from diff females same male (lavender if i remember right) well theres one in there that smells just like apple. yeah get some pics up thanks, thats unlucky mate but im sure it will come through may even done it a favour


a quick updated on these start of week 7

the crit47 as started the flush which may be coming down in a week if not 2 plenty of trichs which are maybe 50/50 milky/clear.

the nebula and black jack still going with not many swollen calyx's showing so carrying on with canna flores and added overdrive for a week or so then on with the flush.


The Critical#47


The Blackjack

The Nebula


Well-Known Member
P2200015.JPGP2200016.JPGHey Marley,
Got some quick pics of my Black Jack. Sorry for taking so long on them. Just finished day 14 of 12/12 and the stretch is just about over for them. Had a high ph problem on it the first week of 12/12 due to a faulty ph pen, but it has recovered very well. Its about 18" tall now. I started blooming when it was 9.5" tall. Try to keep mine under 2 ft tall.:-P


hey mate thanks for getting um up, looks a great just how mine looks structure wise. i have a feeling your stretch isnt quite over yet though mine stretched a good 3 weeks plus lol



yeah BloodHoundsRule ill update later on tonight when lights come on, the Black Jack as a bit more space now as the Critical#47 as been chopped after 7 weeks flower.

until the Black Jack update heres the Crit47 harvest pics

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thats it until later