Cream Caramel, PJ and Papaya Run


Active Member
Been a bit busy here lately and have slacked getting this going.

Here is what is currently in my tent:

2 Cream Caramel Auto Females
1 Purple Gem Auto Female
1 Papaya Photo Girl

All were germed on March 8. Here are the little cuties on March 14th:

I started out with 2 purple Gems but one was male and has been quarantined!

A week later on March 21: 1. Purple Gem-Flossy 2&3. Cream Caramels-Pixie and Dixie and 4. Papaya-Carmen.
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March 29

April 4

Carmen was topped just above her second node. Cream Caramel Dixie is LST'd while her sister Pixie is left natural.

All but Carmen are being fed a blend of 1/2 tsp Jacks Classic All purpose, 1/2 tsp Jacks Classic Bloom Booster and added to that once a week is 5ml each of Humboldts Ginormous, Flavorful and Honey Hydro. Water is ph'd to 6.0 with temps steady at 82 with a rh of 25%.

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April 6

After Carmen's topping she has really taken off!!

Flossy...she is a stunner!

Pixie and Dixie



Well-Known Member
Nice begining....will like to find out results of the caramel strain...sweet seeds isn't it?