Crazy Mushroom Trips


Camping Insanity​

The night before mother’s day I got me and my friends to come out to a sand pit and go camping. There were 8 of us. Most of the guys had tried MDMA and Ecstasy but tonight I got them to trip mushrooms. I thought I knew what I was getting into since I tripped mushrooms a good 6 times before these ones, was I wrong!!!!!!!!!!! We ate 2.7 grams each and within ten minutes I was feeling the onset (I had told everyone earlier that we wouldn't feel it till half an hour. recalling my previous experiences) so when I felt it that quick I knew they were potent. The trip started off amazing with vibrant colors and pulses. I remember sitting on a big lawn watching waves of bright green grass shoot towards me. Everyone was feeling really good about the trip. Then one thing happened that changed it all. THE SUN WENT DOWN. Everything friendly and fun and positive about the trip turned negative. People started turning into themselves and getting trapped in their minds. One of my friends I recall said I don't want to be hear anymore. Me being the trip coordinator started feeling like everyone didn't want to be there and I thought that all my friends were going to turn on me because the trip was my idea. I made one mistake and started fighting the trip internally. I would say to everyone that this was fun and the trip is going good, but in my head I was telling myself I don't want to be hear anymore and I'm scared. In a last ditch effort to save my trip I had to follow my wants and needs. (At this point in my life my want was my girlfriend and my need was sex) I decided to phone my girlfriend and get her to pick me up because I didn't want to be surrounded by the woods anymore or at least that's the excuse I told her. I think to myself that I can just tell her I was a little drunk and that's it. She tells me she will be there in 15 minutes so I have to wait. I sit on the driveway waiting for her to pull up. I get stuck in a massive mind fuck when a little rabbit walks within ten feet of me and starts eating grass. I totally lose track of time and when I look up a car is pulling into the driveway. This was odd for me because it wasn't my girlfriend’s car but I decided to approach it anyways. When I get closer I realize who it is. My girlfriend is in the front passenger seat and her......... MOM is driving (her brand new 2011 car she got for a mothers day present). I hop in the back seat and feel like the vehicle is melting. I'm nervous and make the rookie mistake of trying to talk too much to act normal. I end up getting into a conversation with my girlfriends mom about how nice the car is. Then it leads to who has seen it yet. She tells me I'm the first one but we have to make a quick little stop on the way home. I asked her where we would stop and she replied just my parents quick. This really hits me that I might be a little fucked!!!!!!! We pull into the driveway and out comes Gramps and Granny. Granny is in her PJ's so she doesn't want to come up to the car. Gramps on the other hand jumps in the back with me. I start freaking out! Every time I look at him his face starts melting and his whole body starts pulsating. I was lucky it was dark so he didn't see my eyes. Danger averted, almost there almost to the big comfy bed with the girlfriend watching a movie and you know the needs thing to. We finally get out of there and get home. I quickly give my girlfriend’s mom a hug for picking me up and run down stairs strip down to my underwear and jump in bed. Once I got in that bed the whole trip turned around I had a wonderful conversation with my girlfriend I got positive again and I started coming down. The whole trip lasted 6 hours. I will not say it was a bad trip because overall it enlightened me. I will just say that next time I will plan out more careful when and where I decided to go down the bunny hole once again.

Sincerely yours CHEECHED7


there was only one guy who was chewing them for the first time the rest of them had done them before just not as much sorry about that i forgot to fill everyone in on my friends background


they are all great that night made my group of friends so much closer, each of them has there own little version of how the night went and each of them had obstacles for sure. I know what you mean about hating getting down on yourself and mushrooms are such an easy drug to do that, My one friend almost phoned his mom and told her about our whole trip just so someone would comfort him hah and my other friend was reevaluating his whole life and almost threw out all his weed and smoking devices


Well-Known Member
there was only one guy who was chewing them for the first time the rest of them had done them before just not as much sorry about that i forgot to fill everyone in on my friends background
I know the effect of feeling responsible for other trippers, I felt it on 1 tab of LSD and we weren`t even camping and its not a nice vibe for sure! Its a bad loop and you do have to just drop it in the end or your the loser :)


Well-Known Member
Dude - Paragraphs, please. It isn't that hard to put a line of blank space every few lines of type.


i have always wanted to try LSD but everyone i talk to says its a very sketchy trip

(Canndo sorry im not up to par on my writing skills, didnt know i was getting grade on this report?.................. duster


Camping Insanity​

The night before mother’s day I got my friends to come out to a sand pit and go camping. There were 8 of us. Most of the guys had tried MDMA and Ecstasy but tonight I got them to trip mushrooms. (For those of you who don’t know, MDMA and Ecstasy are more of a body feeling and less of a mind and visual feeling) There were many signs now that I look back on that day that point towards a bumpy road. Things such as lack of drug experience with good mushrooms, to many people there some of witch not close enough friends so you couldn’t speak freely and probably the biggest one of all it was the night before mothers day and we all knew we should be home not in a pit losing our minds. At the time anticipating what I thought I was going to feel I ignored the signs and pushed on for the trip.
I thought I knew what I was getting into since I tripped mushrooms a good 6 times before these ones, but as I was soon to find out I was wrong!!!!!!!!!!! We ate 2.7 grams each and within ten minutes I was feeling the onset (I had told everyone earlier that we wouldn't feel it till half an hour. recalling my previous experiences) so when I felt it that quick I knew they were potent. The trip started off amazing with vibrant colors and pulses. A mushroom trip is a very exciting feeling and can really take you. That being said though I have never felt it take me to far. I remember sitting on a big lawn watching waves of bright green grass shoot towards me. Even when you take a breath in you can feel it through your whole body. It is not just your lungs that take a breath but your whole body all at once. Everyone was feeling really good about the trip. The usual indecisiveness began on what to do. Its fun indecisive though things like “Hey man lets go smoke some weed I love weed” then get all excited and happy just to forget why your so excited. This goes on frequently as your mind jumps back and forth from many different things. On mushrooms your mind has no filter, if you have a thought pop up in your head you will dwell on it and you will try to resolve it. This is okay when it’s a positive thought going through your head but if it’s a negative one you can get really down on yourself. One thing happened that changed it all. THE SUN WENT DOWN. Everything friendly and fun and positive about the trip turned negative. People started turning into themselves and getting trapped in their minds. One of my friends I recall said I don't want to be hear anymore. Me being the trip coordinator started feeling like everyone didn't want to be there and I thought that all my friends were going to turn on me because the trip was my idea.
I made one mistake and started fighting the trip internally. I know from experience that if you fight something that you thought your mind was ready for it can really get to you. I would say to everyone that this was fun and the trip is going good, but in my head I was telling myself I don't want to be hear anymore and I'm scared. In a last ditch effort to save my trip I had to follow my wants and needs. (At this point in my life my want was my girlfriend and my need was sex) I decided to phone my girlfriend and get her to pick me up because I didn't want to be surrounded by the woods anymore or at least that's the excuse I told her. I think to myself that I can just tell her I was a little drunk and that's it. She tells me she will be there in 15 minutes so I have to wait.
I sit on the driveway waiting for her to pull up. I get stuck in a massive mind fuck when a little rabbit walks within ten feet of me and starts eating grass. You may be asking yourself what a mind fuck may be. To someone that hasn’t tripped before the best way I can describe a mind fuck would be like comparing it to school. Say you’re sitting in your English class reading Shakespeare and you’re focusing on the words and being patient. A really hot girl sits by you and you forget why you’re even in the building. That my friend is a mind fuck. I totally lose track of time and when I look up a car is pulling into the driveway. This was odd for me because it wasn't my girlfriend’s car but I decided to approach it anyways. When I get closer I realize who it is. My girlfriend is in the front passenger seat and her......... MOM is driving (her brand new 2011 car she got for a mothers day present). I hop in the back seat and feel like the vehicle is melting. I'm nervous and make the rookie mistake of trying to talk too much to act normal. I end up getting into a conversation with my girlfriends mom about how nice the car is. Then it leads to who has seen it yet. She tells me I'm the first one but we have to make a quick little stop on the way home. I asked her where we would stop and she replied just my parents quick. This really hits me that I might be a little fucked!!!!!!! We pull into the driveway and out comes Gramps and Granny.
Granny is in her PJ's so she doesn't want to come up to the car. Gramps on the other hand jumps in the back with me. I start freaking out! Every time I look at him his face starts melting and his whole body starts pulsating. I was lucky it was dark so he didn't see my eyes. Danger averted, almost there almost to the big comfy bed with the girlfriend watching a movie and you know the needs thing to. We finally get out of there and get home. I quickly give my girlfriend’s mom a hug for picking me up and run down stairs strip down to my underwear and jump in bed. Once I got in that bed the whole trip turned around I had a wonderful conversation with my girlfriend I got positive again and I started coming down. The whole trip lasted 6 hours. I will not say it was a bad trip because overall it enlightened me. I will just say that next time I will plan out more careful when and where I decided to go down the bunny hole once again.

Sincerely yours CHEECHED7


Well-Known Member
Thanks, we are all being graded by a single thing, if what we write is read. I find that the easier I make it for another to read what I write the more I am able to communicate with others, and I think that is the purpose of our being here at all. Thank you, I don't mean this to be a lecture, it is just easier to read something with white space in it and I wanted to read and comprehend your story.


Well-Known Member
LSD is NOT a sketchy trip.

it is a more comfortable trip than mushrooms i think personally.

mushrooms get intense because the user has something he/she needs to do in his/her life and they ARE ignoring it.

lucy is a lot longer but way more mellow. she likes to pet you while mushrooms shake your head like crazy.


Glassblowing Moderator
One time at rothbury music fest I ate some mushies and started questioning why I was alive. Wondered why I was living to work and spend my money on drugs to get through work. Thought about killing myself. Then I snapped out of it and quit my job. Now I blow glass and love to work...