Well-Known Member
Hey gang. I've been lurking in the Newbie forum for a month or two, and posting there for the last month as I started my grow. Figured this would be a better place to document my trials/tribulations, so here goes. (I'm dumping a month worth of progress in this first post, and then I'll do updates periodically.)
I'm a complete newbie at this, and I've got pretty thick skin, so call me out on my BS if you see it.
Jan 20th, I put two Diesel Auto seeds in a paper towel and out it on top of the hot water heater. It never gets really hot, but just warm, so I thought that would be a good dark place to keep them for a few days.
I then went on Amazon and bought a bunch of stuff, knowing damn-well that 50% of it was wrong, and that I'd be returning some things. But....I had to start somewhere.
Jan 22nd, I had 1cm taproots on the seeds. Time to get them into soil.
I'd read conflicting reports as to whether I should just throw in big pots or not. I decided to just go for it and see what happened. (My first grow, after all...I was bound to learn from my mistakes one way or another.)
I set up my Vivosun 3X3 tent, hung my KingLED 100w and set up my 5gal fabric pots with FoxFarms CocoLoco soil that I bought from a local hydroponics store. (It's only open 1 day a week...oddly.)
This was the pic on Jan 25th.

I left things alone for a few days, and low and behold...I had my first sprout on Jan 28th.

After 24h of reading here, I realized the mistake that I made with the KingLED light, and ordered a MarsHydro TSW-2000 for the tent. Big upgrade. I also hung the ductwork and carbon filter at this point. I felt like this was giving better coverage to the tent, and seeing that I was now an expert at growing, I decided to put two more pots in the tent. (This would be my first mistake.)

Again....after more reading here, I realized that I had the light too high up, so I dropped it down. My little girls were starting to do really well. (Or, so I thought.)

By Feb 2nd, things seemed to be going really well. Girls were really filling out. I had been told my the guy at the aforementioned store that GH notes were the easiest to use for a first-time grower like myself, so I bought them and used them. Instructions were easy enough to follow and with my trusty PH meter from Amazon, I was keeping the PH of my water to about 6.5.

I was able to keep my head out of the tent for 2 days, and when I checked in on them on Feb 5th, I was shocked at how much had happened in 48h. (I did shake the water off of the leaves after I took the pic.)

One girl was doing really well...the other not so much. I bailed on the other two pots, and I realized that managing 4 plants was going to be too much work for a first time grower, and I was going to limit the number of things I needed to worry about. Plant #2 It didn't appear to have grown at all in 2 days, and the leaves were curling. I figured this was them "unfurling" or something, so I didn't pay too much mind to it. I also realized it was getting too hot in there, so I bought a thermostat for the exhaust fan to help control that. Also added a humidifier, as it was down in the 20s most of the time.

Three days later, on Feb 8th, things were really starting to get crazy. It's like you can watch them grow in an hour of you have that kind of patience. (I do not) I try to limit myself to peeking in on them once a day when I wake up at about 4:30am.

Plant #1 was doing great, and #2 seemed to be coming out of the ground sideways. I later learned that I likely put the seed in the soil with the taproot facing up, so it twisted its self getting to the sun. I did some training on it by putting a stake (stick from the junky soil PH meter) in the ground, propping the stem up. Within a day, the plant was now pointing in the right direction, and I was back on track (or so I thought.)

I'm a complete newbie at this, and I've got pretty thick skin, so call me out on my BS if you see it.
Jan 20th, I put two Diesel Auto seeds in a paper towel and out it on top of the hot water heater. It never gets really hot, but just warm, so I thought that would be a good dark place to keep them for a few days.
I then went on Amazon and bought a bunch of stuff, knowing damn-well that 50% of it was wrong, and that I'd be returning some things. But....I had to start somewhere.
Jan 22nd, I had 1cm taproots on the seeds. Time to get them into soil.
I'd read conflicting reports as to whether I should just throw in big pots or not. I decided to just go for it and see what happened. (My first grow, after all...I was bound to learn from my mistakes one way or another.)
I set up my Vivosun 3X3 tent, hung my KingLED 100w and set up my 5gal fabric pots with FoxFarms CocoLoco soil that I bought from a local hydroponics store. (It's only open 1 day a week...oddly.)
This was the pic on Jan 25th.

I left things alone for a few days, and low and behold...I had my first sprout on Jan 28th.

After 24h of reading here, I realized the mistake that I made with the KingLED light, and ordered a MarsHydro TSW-2000 for the tent. Big upgrade. I also hung the ductwork and carbon filter at this point. I felt like this was giving better coverage to the tent, and seeing that I was now an expert at growing, I decided to put two more pots in the tent. (This would be my first mistake.)

Again....after more reading here, I realized that I had the light too high up, so I dropped it down. My little girls were starting to do really well. (Or, so I thought.)

By Feb 2nd, things seemed to be going really well. Girls were really filling out. I had been told my the guy at the aforementioned store that GH notes were the easiest to use for a first-time grower like myself, so I bought them and used them. Instructions were easy enough to follow and with my trusty PH meter from Amazon, I was keeping the PH of my water to about 6.5.

I was able to keep my head out of the tent for 2 days, and when I checked in on them on Feb 5th, I was shocked at how much had happened in 48h. (I did shake the water off of the leaves after I took the pic.)

One girl was doing really well...the other not so much. I bailed on the other two pots, and I realized that managing 4 plants was going to be too much work for a first time grower, and I was going to limit the number of things I needed to worry about. Plant #2 It didn't appear to have grown at all in 2 days, and the leaves were curling. I figured this was them "unfurling" or something, so I didn't pay too much mind to it. I also realized it was getting too hot in there, so I bought a thermostat for the exhaust fan to help control that. Also added a humidifier, as it was down in the 20s most of the time.

Three days later, on Feb 8th, things were really starting to get crazy. It's like you can watch them grow in an hour of you have that kind of patience. (I do not) I try to limit myself to peeking in on them once a day when I wake up at about 4:30am.

Plant #1 was doing great, and #2 seemed to be coming out of the ground sideways. I later learned that I likely put the seed in the soil with the taproot facing up, so it twisted its self getting to the sun. I did some training on it by putting a stake (stick from the junky soil PH meter) in the ground, propping the stem up. Within a day, the plant was now pointing in the right direction, and I was back on track (or so I thought.)