Hey I know there's some strong opinions on this subject and at first glance it may seem like a stupid question, but it really surprises me to see the lack of talk on this subject. Idc what the govt thinks and I personally don't think I should need their permission to smoke or grow a plant especially given other things that are considered legal. But given I'm a responsible working adult and all that goes with that I am considering getting legal. Here's the problem as much as I have a right to smoke a plant I have equal or maybe more so of a constitutional right to bear and carry arms. I know the issues between the two BUT if I smoke weed responsibly in the evening as I would say drink or take pain killers or million other things but am clear headed and sober during the day at work and or out and about carrying one of my pistols where's the problem? Sure I know having a gun and weed is a felony but am I committing a crime in reality if I respect both licenses? I can get drunk as hell and have someone drive my truck home and as long as I take my gun off my persons and lock it up unaccesable to any passengers in my truck then im perfectly legal, so why wouldn't same apply if my weapons are locked up at home or in my truck and I have weed on me? I could keep going lol but if you know (no opinions but actually know from first hand experience) about this subject already I'm sure you understand at least what I'm saying and where I'm going with this and why I would like a definitive answer on the legality of this now and in the possible future.