couple questions

lord smerk

Active Member
wats good folks. ight this is what we've done. we took a metal storage cabinet 4feet long x two feet deep x 7 feet tall. we hung a hydrafarm light 400w on the top shelf. we painted the inside flat white. bottom half we are bout to start.

i was cusious do i really need a fan? so far the plants we are doing are budding fine without one but i read somnewhere where it said a fan will make them bigger.

i work at a dump we took another metal storage cabinet and hung two 125 watt florecunt bulbs for the veg box. i was curious are those two bulbs big enough? its 4f long x 2 f deep x four feet tall.


Active Member
Damn, nobody has responded. Maybe a catchier title would help to grab attention. I wish I could help but I don't know the answers to your questions. Try I work at a dump, as your title or some shit like that.


Active Member
yes a fan would help and the more light the better a fan cirulates the air and fractures the stem a little to help make the stem stronger