Couple of questions +rep


Active Member
So I'm still dialing in my new hydroponic flood settup, and i've got a few concerns.

The first is that when i take a direct ph read of my rockwool it's between 4.2-5.1. I've been watering them with a solution ph'd between 5.3-5.8. I'm not sure if this is something to worry about, so I thought someone with more experience could help out.

Another worry is some leaf curling with some of my larger leaves. Strain OG Kush. I've attached a couple pictures.

Nutrients/Additives: AN 3 part, Great White, Rhizotonic 500ppm
Temps: 80-85(w/Co2)
Humidity: 50%
Watering: Everyother day(3wk old cuttings)



Well-Known Member
your PH might be a concern. your plant might not be taking in all the nutrients that it needs with 5.3 if you are near 5.8 I would worry about it if your water is the correct PH. are the leaves getting crispy? your temp might be a bit high. you should try to keep it at 78-80


Active Member
droping leaves in the early stage could be over watering or under watering or heat issue due to lack of airflow. the nutrients are often kept at about 5.5 because the plants absorb the nutrients slightly more quickly at this Ph. and 80+ is too high 76 is mor ideal


Well-Known Member
droping leaves in the early stage could be over watering or under watering or heat issue due to lack of airflow. the nutrients are often kept at about 5.5 because the plants absorb the nutrients slightly more quickly at this Ph. and 80+ is too high 76 is mor ideal
Ur res temps are high? pathogens in ur res could be causing pH fluctuations and causing ur plants to get locked out of nutes, give it a good cleanout and use some h2o2 and get ur temps down.. co2 is beneficial with higher temps but even 85 is on the high side.. imo u gotta go back to the start and really try to solve these things like a thorough scrub of ur whole system etc if u want the best out of ur plants.

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
The first is that when i take a direct ph read of my rockwool it's between 4.2-5.1. I've been watering them with a solution ph'd between 5.3-5.8. I'm not sure if this is something to worry about, so I thought someone with more experience could help out.
Another worry is some leaf curling with some of my larger leaves. Strain OG Kush. I've attached a couple pictures.
Nutrients/Additives: AN 3 part, Great White, Rhizotonic 500ppm
Temps: 80-85(w/Co2)
Humidity: 50%
Watering: Everyother day(3wk old cuttings)
ph your feed to 5.8. 5.3 is too low. i believe you are "way" underfeeding them. i've never done flood and drain type grow, but i believe they get flooded a couple times a day, not every other day. the curl looks like the beginning of the dreaded "claw." get your ph up to snuff and that won't be an issue. at 3 weeks old, you can increase the ppm. your temps. are low too. the stomata won't fully open at 80 degrees. it sounds like you're running a sealed room??? no thanks on the rep.


Active Member
ph your feed to 5.8. 5.3 is too low. i believe you are "way" underfeeding them. i've never done flood and drain type grow, but i believe they get flooded a couple times a day, not every other day. the curl looks like the beginning of the dreaded "claw." get your ph up to snuff and that won't be an issue. at 3 weeks old, you can increase the ppm. your temps. are low too. the stomata won't fully open at 80 degrees. it sounds like you're running a sealed room??? no thanks on the rep.
Silky I think you're the closest. I guess i forgot to specify... but I am running a sealed co2 enriched environment. So i am definately aiming to keep the temps at 85 for maximun intake.

Just flushed yesterday, tomorrow I'll try raising my ppm. Could the "clawing" be caused by an excess of Nitrogen? Im going to try lowering the Micro in my mix and raising the grow and bloom slightly.

I clean my rez and flush my system once a week. And proper water temps are kept. I'm using Great White, which is a benificial bacteria for my roots. So, I can't run H202 throught the system.

I've got plenty of airflow the leaves are always moving. I've got a couple oscillating fans.

Thanks everybody for the feedback. We all agree the the ph of the rockwool is off. But I still don't know what's causing this. I adjust my ph before every water between like a said between 5.3-5.8. I'm going off the attached chart.Immediate runoff is fine. It just drops to the 4 over night. I find this stange also because my rez ph raises between watering periods by a few points... I've read that this is normal though.

