Counter Productive???


Well-Known Member
I hung a sheet of plexiglass under my light so the plants can be closer to it. It really cuts down on the raidiant heat coming from the light but I cannot move it any closer because of ducting restrictions but won't move it until I have to. I was wondering if the plexi glass or plastic or whatever it is will block light and if it is better to just run it without. Grabbed this shit at work my boss was gunna throw it away cuz he got a new cover woot. I can have them 9 inches or so judging by my hand away from my 1000 watter instead of like 18-20 inches like I was doing before!



Well-Known Member
i think you're on you own with this one because nobody has tried anything similar. why not check back and let us know how it worked for you?


Well-Known Member
Looks interesting. Unfortunately I don't know. And I don't know why no one has replied to you by now.