Could use some advice on setting up my grow


Ok, to start things off, I have read pretty much every 5 star rated thread on each forum here related to growing so I think i have a pretty good idea of what I want to do and don't want to come across as I expect someone to give me step by step instructions. But I do have a few questions.

I'm going to be building my cabinet out of 3/4" MDF (unless someone has a better rec) and its going to be 62" tall, 23" wide, and the depth can be variable but it will be around 35" or so, so enough room to house a 20 gallon rubbermaid barrel such as

I plan on using this for lighting:

And I was hoping to use a setup like this to grow in:

Once I've started my first grow, I plan on building a smaller cabinet for a clone room, and will build a 5 gallon bucket mister cloning bucket.

Here are some of the questions I have:

I have read that some people don't recommend using the setup above to grow in because the roots will clog the intake on the pump and that its only for cloning. If so is my only other option to fill the rubbermaid and use air stones in the bottom and go the bubbleponic way?

Also, with the cooled HPS lights, do i have a fan venting that out the cab, and then also have another fan pulling air through my passive intakes and out the cabinet through my carbon filter?

One last question for now, should I only shoot for 4 plants in the 20 gallon container? I guess I don't fully understand seeing some people growing in very small containers w/ multiple plants, and then some people grow one plant per 5 gallon bucket. Does it come down to the bigger the bucket and the more space for roots, the bigger the plant will be? Basically I could use a smaller rubbermaid container and it would work just fine but just the plants would be smaller?

Anyways, I think that sums up the questions I have for now.

I really appreciate any help you guys can offer. :D


Another question I had, is it worth it to get a digital ballast so I can use MH for veg and HPS for flowering, or will I be fine just using HPS the whole grow?


Well-Known Member
i dont know bout the hydro but get the digital, u'll be glad you did, its well worth for the results and you would only be spending like 50 bucks more

Illegal Smile

The best formula I ever heard for how much res space (water) is needed per plant was 2 gallons per plant plus one gallon per plant for every 2 ft of expected mature height. In other words, if you expected 48 inch plants you would want 4 gallons per plant. I think you can get by with less but if you go by that you are golden.