Could this mean denial?

I called the state to verify if they got my application and they said yes and that a response was sent back. I didn't ask if it was approved or not but it has only been 2 weeks since they received my application. Usually people get it in a month. Just wondering if people do get their card this fast or is this implying I am receiving a denial letter? I made sure the application was fully complete and that all information required was submitted. The anticipation is killing me.
Well, either way you will know shortly. If you had your paper work filled out correctly and its signed by the doctor you should be good to go
most the time bs manifests the more you THINK about not wanting said bs to come.

that being said... your most likly gunna be good. and if you fucked up the app the worst that could happen is having to resend. they will even keep any monies you sent as a credit till you get it right!

good luck
we'll see. ill be reporting back with a rant if im disapproved lol. i already spent too much fucking money trying to get certified/application fees. it would truly be some bs seeing a denial letter.