could i start flowerin at 5 weeks?


i was just woundering could i start flowerin at 5 weeks how much bud could i get of of it since its still kinda small its a regular mids plant

That 5hit

Well-Known Member

cherry popping grow technic (get a few grows under your built before jumping into advanced cultivation, learn the basic)bongsmilie

a good location, soil, nutes, lights, and co2 can only take you so far
big buds and good yeilds are based on genes and growing skills

plant life is tipicaly
2wks-1month veg 24/0 or 18/6
2-3 month flower 12/12
4 months (maybe 3) all together from seed to cured smoke

everything can be found at any bigbox store

place seed in a cup of water
check every day untill you see seed crack and or tap root
then place in a 1in deep hole covered with soil, in a 1 gal pot full of soil
now get a digital thermometer, one with a temperature and a humidty gauge
maintain lights on temps of 70-80 (with co2 you can let it go as high as 95)
at lights off stay above 60. keep humidity around 40%-60% light on/off
when you see a sprout
place light (26 or 42 watt CFL with hood and clamp) over it keeping light as close as 2-4 in. as the plant gets bigger add more light (if you use mh or hps follow light distance guidelines, you'll find out more about them as you advance in you grow skill)
now time for veg growth
get a light with hood (and put it on an on/off timer set timer for 18/6
water plants ever 2-3 days or when soil is dry
after 2 weeks of just plain water introduce nutes at 1/4 strength, every other water
inrich air with co2 if you gat it (not needed if less then 6 plants, just open a window or pump in fresh air)
after 2wks too a months of vegging its time to sex and flower
tranpants to a 3-5gal pot
if still useing CFL's double or triple the amount of lights (the more light the more dence and bigger the buds will be)
set timer for 12/12 (depending on strain plants can double even triple in size (height) in this stage)
this will show sex and flower your plants, giving you smokable buds
keep the female's they grow white hairs
discard the males they grow grape like ball clusters (pollen sacs)
discard the hermi they grow both sex (re. if it has balls on it discard it)
give it 2 wks of 12/12 then increase nutes
lights will stay on 12/12 untill finish which could be 8-14 wks depending on strain dominates :
short plant with fat wide leaf = indacas = 8-10 wks,
tall plant with long skiny leaf = sativas = 10-14 wks
by far the best way to tell when the plant is ready to harvest is by looking at the trichome
you want to see about a 50% red to white ratio. you will need a minimum 30x zoom microscope (radio shack)
flush plant by feeding plain water for last 2 wks (improves taste)
cut, hang, dry 5-7 days
place in mason jars sealed tight for 12hr
open jar and take buds out and let dry for 30m - 1hr or untill dry
replace in jars
repeat this for 2wks to a month or untill buds nolonger become wet in jar after 12hr
now smoke
seal away for longterm storage

rules to a successful longterm grow
1. tell NOone
2. NEVER ever break rule 1
3. dont grow where you dont own
4. keep guns away
5. be seen, but keep a low profile in community
6. suppress or eliminate odors emanating from grow room
7. pay your bills
8. descretly acquire & place items
9. descretly despose of waste



yeahh alot of that helped i have one plant growing now its almost4 weeks old its doing fine it kinda strecthed for the light so i upgraged the light and lowered it 2 inches away and big improvment just in the 2or 3 days i was just curouis wen to start flowerin i dont want to big of a plant but i want some nice buds


Well-Known Member
i was just woundering could i start flowerin at 5 weeks how much bud could i get of of it since its still kinda small its a regular mids plant
sup dude..i actually just chopped my purple kush clone that i threw into 12/12 when it was only 2-3inches was a clone..heres the thinking 7-9grams dry..i grew it under 1000w hps with 10 other plants in a cramped ass closet to..fukin swweetttt aviator to by the way lol



Well-Known Member
if u want a small plant with big buds i suggest a good light and lots of carbs when u water..what kinda light u got and what r u feeding em?