Could extra lights increase my yield? More CFLs or HPS?


Active Member

I am going on day 28 of flowering. I am growing a topped northern lights which just started to show pistols and a FIMed blue widow which has been forming buds for 2 weeks now. I am using 4 23 watt cfls per plant overhead made possible by 3 splitters in each socket. I am also adding some side light to the blue widow with 2 more 23 watt cfls.

Do you feel this is sufficient light to achieve maximum yield? my growbox only accommodates 2 5 gallon buckets in cardboard boxes taped together, lined with mylar. I was thinking of adding another 2 cfls to provide my NL with some side light or possibly an overhead 150 watt hps. I have a 120mm CPU fan exhaust on the top of my box passing through a carbon filter with passive intake. Would an hps add too much heat and how high above the ladies would I have to suspend it? I dont want to burn the house down.




Well-Known Member
I feel like the more light,.. The better... Personally,.. I vegged 2 weeks under t5s and moved them under my 600 watt hps.. I have not tried growing with cfls... Plants look good tho.... They say u get 1 gram of dried bud per watt..


New Member


Bulbs and info:

More cmh info than you could

There are vertical versions as well as horizontal: there are also some out for regular metal halide ballasts

Also you do not want to use them in sealed hoods or cool tubes as the glass will block the uvb produced which we truly want for potency accentuation