Couchlock from Mexican Sativa at week 6


Well-Known Member
So I picked a bud off my Sativa this morning and quick dried it in the microwave. I know this is early as hell but I wanted to taste it. I got an okay high but was disappointing by a HEAVY couchlock. I don't like Indica or wanting to sleep all day. Will the couchlock go away or worsen after the plant matures?


Well-Known Member
Umm. The couchlock feeling comes from letting your plants get overly amber/mature. Amber trichomes contain degraded THC --> CBN. CBN represents a loss of 90% potency (from THC).CBN is not desirable in any harvest, since it not only represents a huge loss of potency but research into the substance has also shown that CBN does not produce a high like THC does, CBN produces a more sickly feeling not a true high. Your plants are only 6 weeks old, give them some more time, they are only going to get more potent.