Ok... these are rough estimates:
No matter what running 18/6 you will have to run AT LEAST 2 hours at high peak rates, which calculates to $7.56 a month a usage during your peak hours. During non peak hours you are going to be spending $19.15 for a grand total of $26.71 per month based on an ideal light schedule that only includes 2 hours of on-time from 1-8.
Because you are sucking air out of your house at 440 CFM (wherever it goes it needs to be replaced somehow it is sucked in through cracks in your house), you will need to cool this new warm air down. This is where your real cost is going to be because at 440 CFM, and assuming an average ceiling height of 9 ft... All the air in your house will be replaced every 30 minutes the fan is running, thus leaving your A/C running overtime.
I live in a house almost the same size as yours, and when not running any A/C or heat, I get bills of around 60 dollars. So subtract that from your bill as the base cost of all your household appliances running each month (minus the A/C). So, your A/C probably cost you around 360 or so to run last summer without your grow room, and may possibly need to work 50 % harder than it did last year depending on the heat of our summer this year. You could easily go up into the mid 600 dollar bill range due to this if we have a heat wave like we did last summer.
The real cost isn't from your light, it's from sucking out all the air out of your house and making your central a/c work overtime. Everytime your central a/c fires up, your gonna be using A LOT more than that light ever cost you.
As to your question about time of use plan, it is definitely better if you can stick to a flower room that is on during night, as you can see you saved roughly 15% on your light cost alone by having your plan on time of use as compared to basic.