

Active Member
If i had the fu*king vocabulary to write this paragraph it would be great for everyone to read. Who the hell is our damn govt. to arrest us... especially for something like weed. Its less addictive than caffeine, less harmful to your lungs than any other smoke on the planet, and it has medical benefits. It makes me wanna fu*king slaughter people... people that don't smoke... and don't want to try it... and don't even know what the fuck it is... Damn that felt good


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the real world. This is something we've all felt strongly about for quite some time now. It all seems ass backwards, but if you were the one calling the shots you'd see it differently. What happens to the pharmecutical industry if suddenly millions of us can start growing our own medicine for free? What happens to the cotton and lumber industries when hemp becomes the largest producer of natural fibers and building material and textiles? Where does the DEA go after Marijuana is legal? Afterall, it is the lifeblood of drug cartels. Unfortunately, all of these industries generate great income. Marijuana becomes legal, they're out of business. It seems fucked up, I know. But like I said if you were on the other side, prohibiition would seem like a great tool at your disposal.