Copper Orgi s1- Brisco's Bargain Beans - Copper Chem x Orgi f1


Well-Known Member
I ordered these a while back from DC SE. Here is the decription:
@Amos Otis

Brisco’s first female seed offering!
Copper Orgi S1 Amos’ good friend, tester, and grower extraordinaire, Cob_nUt reversed a sweet female of Brisco’s Copper Orgi f1 [ Orgi x Copper Chem] to make s1 fems of the very popular cross from Brisco’s first release. Photos of f1 by SpondyloGrow.
At least 6 Feminized Seeds per pack!

I got 7 seeds in my pack and started them in Clear Solo cups that I put inside colored cups (so I could see roots and moisture). The medium is Fox Farms Coco Loco, and KindSoil at the bottom. I simply followed Kindsoil's directions to plant with Kindsoil and started them on 09/27 from seed.

I placed the seed about 1/2 inch deep in 7 different solo cups and covered them and lightly watered with about 2 ounces of water each.

2 days later the first couple sprouted, and all but the seventh on the third day (up til 72 hrs).
At about 80-84 hours the last seed sprouted. 7/7

I have them in a propagator with a thermostat seedling mat, in a closed room with an AC, humidifer, and de-humidifier. I am using a Black Dog LED PMII 400 for this grow. As I had nothing else going I am using it throughout the life of the plant from seedling to flower.

Below is one that sprouted at 24 hours at approximately 10 days after sprout from soil:

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Pardon, the light. With this one it seems very white looking at things, but not with camera or from a distance.

Here are all 7 at 12 days (with some 11 and 10) The runt is the one that sprouted a day after the rest:
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So far so good. Very early, hopefully everything continues to go well.
My biggest upcoming decision is that I was hoping to double my area by the end of this month. That looks like it is going to be difficult to do. Should be able to double it by January.

I figure I have about 1.5-2 more weeks in the seedling stage and then will be in full veg. Currently I have a 3x3 growing area with plenty of light for that area. Do I want to veg for 2 months and keep all 7 and throw into flowering after getting more lights etc, or just go full bore with the 3x3 and start anew with more lights in a bigger area next time. If I do this should i get rid of 3 plants and grow 4 in the 3x3?

My secondary thought is, well If I decide to veg longer say 8 weeks, then I will probably transplant into 1 Gal or 2 gal pots for this, then transplant into a 5 gallon for flower. Or should I just go straight from solo cup to 5 gallon and shoot for a quicker veg time maybe just a little LST and scrog.

Too many options.

I welcome any helpful responses.
Just a quick update. They are growing quickly. Staying relatively short underneath this tall light, which given the strain that may be a good thing as I expect them to get quite tall. I did have an accident with "the runt" I was pulling things out of the propagator and watering and knocked it over. That's why it looks a bit sickly.



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Well here it is Tuesday, we are right at about 3 weeks for these seedlings now. I believe it is time to transplant them. The roots have certainly filled out, although they have not begun to circle much. The soil still keeps water for a couple days. Growth hasn't seemed to slow down yet. However, they look rooted enough to me.

I didn't include the runt, but I believe I will throw her out anyways. She is healthy just very stunted.


As always any advice is welcome.
I transplanted on 10-21-20
By 10-24-20 there were some problems evident as the plants got used to their new home:


It took me a little while to figure out what this was, but in the end it was due to windburn. After transplanting I had set up an additional fan and even though it was on lower power 2 fans blowing this quickly out of a propagator caused some windburn issues. As of 10-28-20 after cutting off the second fan these issues have not re-appeared and the affected leaves just browned in the spots that were burned with no spreading issues or otherwise.

Pardon the lights in this picture. Here are all 6 (well 7, the runt is still in a solo cup and I may try to make a bonsai mother out of it). I did a little LST with these with some stakes.


Still no issues with further leaf discoloration due to windburn solidifying the diagnosis. Second round of LST happened last night. I used Cat5 wire and one twisted pair to LST with. It works rather well just twist it around like a twisty tie on each end. 1 6 ft cable stripped nets 4 pairs 6 ft long each so 24 ft of wire ties (I use a pair at a time).

It appears to me they have recovered nicely in the last week from transplant. I am still watering them a bit light, once every 2-3 days more around the plant giving the roots some time to reach out a bit before soaking the whole medium more.

1 week into Vegetative and out of seedling. I plan to veg for at least 4 weeks possibly 1-2 more depending. Going to continue LST until they get a bit taller and then lower a scrog net on them.
Been a couple weeks. I have learned a few things. The first time I went away was a couple weekends ago I went out of state. It was also the first time it got cold and my little heater kicked on to keep the plants warm enough. The heater was pointed too directly at the plants and the three plants nearest it, when I got back had a lot of brown edges and curled brown tips and discolorations on the leaves. As soon as I pointed the heater another way and concentrated on heating the room up instead of the plants the problem stopped persisting although as you can notice the browned tips are still there obviously. The new growth has looked good since. The three plants that were further away all look very very healthy, and in the middle if you can spot it is my little solo cup runt that I just transplanted to a 1 gallon container. It is my intention to make a bonsai mother out of it, or at least try my hand at it. (Some root chopping coming up)

So far a couple lessons in this KindSoil grow. If you are watering enough and not too much, keep a mind on all environmental issues. Think about where the fans are blowing, is that where your issues turn up? Heat sources, air conditioning sources, none of them should be directed at the plants, not from very close anyways. I feel that the two incidents I have had during the entire grow was:
1.) Fans on the plants too much
2.) Heater blowing directly at the plants too close

I just did a bit of LST'ing today. I have been doing it every few days. I think after this last round of LST there are enough tops coming up to let them come into the SCROG and use the SCROG to fill it out from there.

Nothing but plain filtered water every 3-4 days.
We are 3 weeks into VEG and likely 2 weeks away from flip.

Once again this stock from DCSE and the reversed cross of Orgi x Copper Chem by @CoB_nUt Copper Chem by @Amos Otis

Oh btw, I am using pairs of Cat5e wire for my ties. They twist nicely and I happen to have thousands of feet. They also when used as a pair with the coating on the wires seem to be really gentle with the plants. I am taking some galvanized steel wire and cutting it with sharp points then sticking it through the rim of the fabric pots to tie down to.

Lowered the SCROG net on them and tucked some today. Everything still appears to me to be going well. The browned tips are still the same ones from 3 weeks ago when the heater was too close while I was away.20201120_SCROG1.jpg20201120_SCROG2.jpg20201120_SCROG3.jpg20201120_SCROG4.jpg
Just a small update, the plants have grown at least a foot since flip. I added another net to slowly tame a bit more hopefully. 1 week post-flip.

Ok, just a few more days 12 post-flip. You can see the bud sites developing rather well now. They are still stretching during this period. What an explosion in upward growth. Previous photos they were some a few inches above the second trellis net, before that photo there wasn't a second trellis net, that net is about 10 inches above the other. I believe I will put another one 1 ft above it soon for added support as the buds continue developing and put on weight.
I still am using just plain de-chlorinated water at a ph of right at 7. The Kindsoil and Coco Loco seems to be doing great so far. I have been watering about every 3 days with 3/4 gallon per plant. Using a pump sprayer to water.
I think I am going to lollipop them Monday at 2 weeks and take some clones to reveg that look like they won't get up near the canopy.
I believe everything seems to be going well so far.

Oh..sorry about the color of the photos..yeah I took them with the light on and it is a bit blurplish. Although I think I have remarked before it doesn't seem so when I am looking at it myself but certainly in the photos.

Next time no light.
1st day of Week 3 flowering

The second picture I took with lights on and tried to filter out some of the purple, sorry if it's a bit yellow/green.
Just an FYI with this strain. These plants are about 48 inches from the bottom of the pot to the top of the canopy. That was after multiple SCROG nets and LST prior to that. They grow a ton during stretch.
I took some photos a couple days ago of developing colas. These are at about 3 weeks and a few days:


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SWIM and I are excited about these plants. Should have done some things different but we will adjust next time. Looking forward to sealed aetup with co2. It is invaluable to have someone helping you. Don't think I could have kept ahead all alone.