Cooltube/Cabinet Ventilation?


Active Member
Can i join my cooltube outtake ducting and my cabinet outtake ducting? Im worried about heat building up in the cooltube as i have two 95cfm fans one for the cooltube outtake and one for cab outtake but the cooltube fan has to push air through more ducting. I could have a separate length of ducting for the cabinet outtake, but im trying to get around that (stealth).

Currently only the cooltube has ducting that leads out a window... the cabinet outtake fan pumps air out of the cab into the same room i get my intake air, temperature wise this hasn't been a problem, but with summer approaching id like to get all the hot air vented out the window.

Here is a diagram to help explain.

PS. Is it ok to turn my cooltube fan off at the same time as the lights or should i get another timer and have the fan run 20min before and after the lights.

Old in the Way

Well-Known Member
Its best to keep them seperate, I could get into more detail but I think your stealth issues may be a the smell a concern or you just wanting to get the exhaust out of your room with summer coming??

You can probably get away with one timer but a seperate timer for the cooltube exhaust is preffered.:mrgreen:



Active Member
Thanks man. If i move my cab i should be able to hide both lots of ducting.... was only worried about heat, smell isnt an issue. Was at bunngings yesterday, they had timers on sale for 3.95 i picked one up but put it back as i didnt think id really need it (forgot about the cooltube fan) ... kicking myself now :roll: