cooling idea


Well-Known Member
ok i know the summer is about over now but i think i got my solution for next year and lot of time to get it right. well i was looking at one of those car ice chest things u plug in and turn it on and it stays cold. and found out something called a peltier device.. did a lil research and found it basically gets hot on one side and cold on the other if u set up a few together in a pyramid effect then u can get the last one really really cold... sell i thought about using that on an ice chest with heatsinks (used to transfer the heat/ cooling to the other side) . by adding dry ice (co2) and frozen 2 LTRS of water in there with pc fans blowing out and if u want a hose that leads to the base of the plant for better effect... does that sound as tho it might work ?? anyone know about these peltier devices or tried anything similar??? i need some feed back



Well-Known Member
peltier cooling.

these small plates and i mean small, around size of your hand and smaller, are used for cooling overclocked CPU's and storage devices. the cold side is in direct contact with the cpu plate the hot side is clamped too a large heatsink and fan too draw heat.

to be totaly honnest. i would leave the idea alone there more suited too cooling pc chips and sutch. and they get hot very and very cold, so cold ice forms on the cooled surface, if they go wrong the do in a big fashion.
