Cooking or using for hash.


Well-Known Member
I have a confirmed male in my flower area, to make hash or to use in cooking do i need to cut the bastard and let him dry out before making my oil or butter or hash? Or can i just cut and proceed to make butter, hash, or oil the same day?:joint:


Well-Known Member
heres what you can do you have to dry the stalks to release the thc in males once dry just hang in your grow room to dry out
then get a blender blend to near dust
for every 100 grams you have you want 500 grams of butter not margarine and add like half a pint to a pint of water then ann the stalks use a slow cooker crockpot
and then heat up to a nice warm weed stew once warm add your butter in small ammounts
then let it simmer away for about 6 hours then get a fine mesh cloth or a pair of ur mums girlfriends tights then pull them over a bowl large enough to hold the contents of the crock pot and pour through the mesh/tights/coffee filter and once you have no floating residue you pretty much have just butter and water mix the thc absorbs into the butter
place the bowl in the fridge undisturbed
then after about 8 hours it will have settled
cut around the sides of the butter and you will see it is floating on top of some water pour the water away carefully and theres your butter use according to a recipe of your choice il take some pictures of the butter i made from my males then il post later so you can see what your aiming for


Well-Known Member
also i tried hash and oil it doesnt yield much as the thc in males is inside the leaves butter is the best way


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info, the male seeds wont open up and release pollen once im drying him will they? Also do u add half a pint to a pint of water per 100 grams of bud?


Well-Known Member
yeh the ammount of water just has to be more than that of the ammount of butter and herb enough to submerge it all i used 2 mugfulls of water and 500 g of butter to 100 g of leaves and stalks