I like the original gsc and crosses of that such as cherry cookies and platinum gsc....but these other strains under the cookie umbrella such as Gary Peyton haven't really been impressive smokes to me.
Then ppl tell me it's about flavors.....but I've had WAY better flavors from strains NOT under the cookie umbrella...
Then ppl say it's about potency....and I find MOST strains under their umbrella to have mediocre potency
Then ppl say it's about the entourage effects......but if it's lacking in flavor and potency, it's lacking in entourage as well lol.
People just love cookies for no damn reason other than they haven't experienced good non-hype strains.
I had strains in 2006 that taste better and are more potent than 2022 cookies lineup lol
Sorry but if it isn't gsc or platinum gsc or cherry cookies.....I don't want no damn cookies