Converting to drip irrigation, a few q's...


Hello again,
Well, it's time for my next grow, albeit with a few changes.
My last grow I managed to pull nearly 6 dry oz off of each plant so am hoping to acheive that again. Last time i grew under 600w hps in 100% coco, used dutch pro nutes and hand watered every day. I come up against a bit of bud rot but caught it early and all turned out fine. Now, for the changes. Everything will be the same apart from this time I've mixed the coco with some growstone that I was given, about a 70/30 coco/growstone. I'm hoping to get more oxygen to the roots because last time, with that yield, I thought my root ball would be huge but it was literally non existent. Improved roots, improved yield?? And I am also now top drip feeding to try and make my life simpler and the 'little and often' feeding technique that is obviously better than what I did before.
Now some questions, what is better for drip feeding, a drip ring or an arrow? The arrow, which is what I've got, seems very concentrated on one spot. I assume it must work or they wouldn't be sold with Wilma's etc.
Also, I assume I should hand water for a bit until their more established to take the amount the drip feed releases, which by my measurements is about 430ml per 15 min. I've ordered a grasslin digital timer so I can water in 1 min slots if need be.
Will be using Dutch Pro nutes again, including Explode but will be adding Drip Clean as well.
Someone tell me I'm doing the right thing because I was so tempted to do EXACTLY what I did before because it worked but was some serious ball ache and I'd like to acheive more by improving anyway I can.
Thanks for all your help!