so my nieghbor traded me a clone for his plant which he told me was sweet tooth, I was stoked as time went on he told me it was actually harleyquin CBD only, then a few weeks later asked if it was flowering, it wasn't at the time. This morning the ladie started to flower, so I asked him if its a auto flower what strain is it, since he seemed so confused about what he gave me, he said its because it was in 24 hour veg I turned it into an auto flower, which makes no sense to me... this man likes to toot his own horn.. also told me I couldn't put this plant in the direct sun... so can someone explain to me how a strong cbd strain could turn into auto flower ? Also I know nothing about auto flower... any tips for a higher yield? When will I know this bud is ready if I don't even know for sure the strain and or if it is truely cbd...