
so my nieghbor traded me a clone for his plant which he told me was sweet tooth, I was stoked as time went on he told me it was actually harleyquin CBD only, then a few weeks later asked if it was flowering, it wasn't at the time. This morning the ladie started to flower, so I asked him if its a auto flower what strain is it, since he seemed so confused about what he gave me, he said its because it was in 24 hour veg I turned it into an auto flower, which makes no sense to me... this man likes to toot his own horn.. also told me I couldn't put this plant in the direct sun... so can someone explain to me how a strong cbd strain could turn into auto flower ? Also I know nothing about auto flower... any tips for a higher yield? When will I know this bud is ready if I don't even know for sure the strain and or if it is truely cbd...


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:lol: LMAO. No a plant cannot turn into an autoflower your dude is a crackhead also cannabis loves direct sunlight.. smh
Okay see I tried to research but because I know nothing about auto flowers I wasnt fully grasping. But we knew he was a little ko ko from the direct sunlight comment. But he's saying that 24 hours of light had forced the Harley quin to be auto flower... and we have to know because my man smoked cbd flower not thc. So we wish we knew more about this plant and if was truely safe for him.. so I guess we wait to find out. Lol never trusting this nieghbor again his advice so far has killed 3 of my plants.. should have trusted my gut each time
I find your neighbors ideas hilarious and part of the reason so many follow really ridiculous ideas about growing such a simple weed.
Autos are easy because light schedule control is not necessary as they will finish according to their genetic blueprint....can handle 24/0 lighting but they don't require it.
It could just be going into flower because it’s not receiving 24 hrs of light. It might flower for a bit and then revegg. How many hours of light is it getting outside IN DIRECT SUNLIGHT lol
No ... as others stated . That dude was yanking your chain . Probably not even a CBD strain either.
Its got minor tip burn , but lookin ok from what I can see. Post more pics of plant .

ALSO ....
Welcome him with a kick to the dick when you see him.