

Active Member
Am posting this under 'Politics' since this is really what it is about.

My condolences to the administrator of this site for having to remove all of the false members from this sites membership list.
I know it's a jungle out there but pumping the membership list to attract advertisers and/or get back at someone is childish and in the first case illegal.

My condolences to the misguided who pumped it. Get over yourself, grow up and join the rest of the human race.

I no longer wish to be associated with this site so you can go ahead and remove me from the membership list as well.
Am posting this under 'Politics' since this is really what it is about.

My condolences to the administrator of this site for having to remove all of the false members from this sites membership list.
I know it's a jungle out there but pumping the membership list to attract advertisers and/or get back at someone is childish and in the first case illegal.

My condolences to the misguided who pumped it. Get over yourself, grow up and join the rest of the human race.

I no longer wish to be associated with this site so you can go ahead and remove me from the membership list as well.
Who TF is this?
Just nod and pretend to understand.... It will make the person believe that you really care and will move on. :-? :confused::mrgreen:
i have discovered that this entire site is nothing but web-bots created by rollitup. it's an Internet version of imaginary friends, e-friends, if you will.


btw, even if RUI wanted to weigh his database down with fake members, bloated membership lists do nothing for advertisers - it's all about traffic.
