Concerns about my grow...


Active Member
did my first outdoor grow last year and started an indoor grow with some of those free beans from orders @ attitude seed bank...i figured i'd first grow some of the free and a couple of the ones i bought. growing mostly indica dominant strains is also new to me and i don't know how to gage my success when i'm expecting so much...when you look at your garden everyday its hard to say if it's progressing as it should given the fact that the conditions are right.

My biggest concern is if vertical grow has been stunted or slow for some reason. well this is my setup and not all the plants were popped at the same time so i'll give some dates

4x4 tent, 1 - 1000w MH w/6" inline fan, oscillating fan, temps 68F - 78F, Humidity - 40% - 60%
2 - Purple OG (est. mid/-Dec)
1- OG Kush (Reserva Privada/DinaFem)(12/30)
1- Blue Widow (12/30)
1 - BC God Bud (12/30)
1 - Humbolt (12/24)

This slide show shows a one weeks progress since last week. Definitely growth has occurred but not sure if the lack of vertical growth is from genetic design or from the growing conditions. Currently my light is about 28" away from the tallest. Just transplanted two of them into supersoil today as they outgrew their 1 gal container. Most of my feeding has been molasses, superthrive and bioroot. Just starting to feed with tea.

thoughts and recommendations appreciated!


Well-Known Member
There is nothing wrong with any of these plants...they are happy healthy normal bushy indica dominant strains :D


Active Member
thanks for looking! wondering how big these will get in the next 3 weeks. I often here of indoor grows vegging for 4 weeks and flowering for 8. Well this has been 1 week for the youngest and not sure what to expect over the next 3. Well I have no other choice but to be patient and give them the love they need.;)


Well-Known Member
They all look fine so far. Some will usually be slower than others. And remember if you are used to outdoors, they def don't grow as fast, or big indoors. Also keep in mind that once you flip the lights to 12/12 your plants will probably double in size, sometimes triple by the time they are done. This will help you judge when to flip so you don't run out of space.


Well-Known Member
They look good to me. As long as its not to hot under your light you can move the plants a bit closer if you'd like, 28" away seems a bit far to me, unless its because of the temp. Looks great though, keep it up!


Active Member
They all look fine so far. Some will usually be slower than others. And remember if you are used to outdoors, they def don't grow as fast, or big indoors. Also keep in mind that once you flip the lights to 12/12 your plants will probably double in size, sometimes triple by the time they are done. This will help you judge when to flip so you don't run out of space.

i had always thought that the plant stops growing when it flowers (???) I think i can believe that...when i did outdoor last here a plant of mine nearly tripled in size, i thought it was just a veg spurt or something...that could explain why it exploded so much...check out last summers picks of before and after...

Before ( 7/14/2011)

After (8/15/2011)