compost tea age? still ok?


Well-Known Member
so normally i aerate my nutrient tea for 12-36 hours. Bacterial and fungal teas for cannabis. This time I started a batch to early and its been aerating for 60hrs. Obviously they say after 36hrs-48 hours to chuck it and that its no good. This doesnt have any off smell or anything is it ok to use or should i chuck it and brew another batch? My plants are thirsty now so if it wont be a big deal to feed it to them let me know. Whats your experience.
Through shitty planning, I've kept teas aerating for 4 days before. I always assumed that as long as nothing smelled rancid, it was still good to go.
Thank you guys I assume you're right as well I just wanted to check. I also had this thought "well once it's in the soil and it's wet for 4 days it's not getting the airstone than" and with it not smelling bad I figured it was ok to send it.
You’re overthinking this, I’ve used my tea for 5-7 days np , key is keeping ur brew aerated and not too warm. I even re-add sugars like molasses after 3-4th day if not not used.
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That was basically all I felt compelled to do with tea that had been brewing "too long". I just added some more molasses to make sure everything floating around was well fed.
Way i was taught with ewc teas and such is that ideally you would use it within 24 hours as that is the peak of the beneficial bacteria and stuff if you go longer and then micros that are less useful can maybe take over more so you can use older teas but thats when its at its best apparently
Way i was taught with ewc teas and such is that ideally you would use it within 24 hours as that is the peak of the beneficial bacteria and stuff if you go longer and then micros that are less useful can maybe take over more so you can use older teas but thats when its at its best apparently
It may not be best or highest popularity % but I wouldn’t throw it away, shoot I use till 5-10% and re-fill my rez vs empty 100%, clean it and refill. plants are healthy and it makes no sense to be overly sterile in organics and thinking u can’t keep some of the previous brew. I was worried at first but I think more bro sci then proven with the requirements of brew times and if u can re-use it or use it longer.
You'll have more Protozoa and fungi. They (protozoa) take over and eat the bacteria. It's not as effective. You want the bacteria as they are more beneficial.
It may not be best or highest popularity % but I wouldn’t throw it away, shoot I use till 5-10% and re-fill my rez vs empty 100%, clean it and refill.
I don't grow organically, so when I bother to do teas at all it's probably more to amuse myself than do much of anything special for the plants. But the times when I've had some odd bug up my ass to use teas a lot, I'd often do it just like you said. Use up the majority of it, then just use whatever is leftover as the base for the next brew. I'm far from an experienced eye in the subject, but I never saw or smelled anything that would suggest there was unwanted funky shit proliferating in a multi-generational brew. Plants never suddenly yellowed or keeled over, so it can't possibly be that bad of an idea.
You'll have more Protozoa and fungi. They (protozoa) take over and eat the bacteria. It's not as effective. You want the bacteria as they are more beneficial.
Exactly what i was taught the guy who taught me worm tea and such he runs a pretty big worm farm among some other things thats what he said anymore than 24 hours and protozoa take over best use for protozoa is worm food