Companion Plants


New Member
Hi people, I'd like to know about your experience and information sources indications on good companion plants growing with cannabis.

I'm currently growing with Habanero and Bishop's Crown Pepper, but they're still too young... as suposed, a supersoil with adapteble kind of nutrition is needed...

So: tips and good information sources?

I know a lot of people hide their's in with tomato plants.
I've got a few babies indoors with tomato/bell pepper/horseradish plants and some evergreens I'm cloning...
Well, I have my one grow light set up in the closet of the room that my peppers are growing in. They're still young, and theres alot of them so alot of pests have been breeding fairly easily. And from that the pests got to my cannabis plants. But I'm sure it didnt help that I left the window open for a couple days. The little flies dont seem to be any harm. But some thrips got onto my plants and have sort of been munching out a bit. I'm going to do a major disinfecting and pest control before flowering in my other room. Pepper plants were the first plants I started growing last year. Then started cannabis this year. Getting my plants to make peppers is still tricky yet

It's true that companion plants are usually referenciated with environmental issues, but I'm also trying to achieve something like "simbiose". Like gardners try with "cousin fruit plants".

I mean, how they relate to the point of growing flavor, smell and others too.