Comments and Advice PLEASE

Hello, this is my first time growing and I have really had one problem and that was that the PH was too high once. I lost 2 out of 4 plants. I have attached pics of the one good plant I have left. My questions is...

1. is this indica or sativa?
2. It is about a foot tall (little more than) when should I start the flowering phase?
3. Does this plant look healthy to you?
4. Have you or do you use bone meal with hydropoincs?

THANKS :roll: :peace:
plant2.jpgplant 1.jpgplant3.jpg
How old is this plant? When to flower all depends on how much space you have and how much time you have. If you have plenty of both of these i would let it grow to 2 to 3 feet (in a set up with that size of pots) before starting the flowering phase. This is what i generaly do. Your plant looks pretty healthy to me, good progress so far.