Coming Out Party


Well-Known Member
Well, over a period of time,of letting everything sink in, I have finally realized/became enlightened to the fact that I can no longer call myself a Christian. I can no longer associate myself with a group that acts in a way that is totally anti-Christ. The Baptist Christians that surround my community and area are nothing like the Christians I see and hear from around the country (maybe the Catholics, jus j/k :shock: :-| ) but, I now know that I can still follow the Ways of Christ, w/o giving myself the title of Christian, just as I follow the Ways of many other teachings, I AM simply me, I AM. As I quote a line from True Blood "Me and Jesus decided to see other people, but it doesn't mean we still won't talk from time to time". Please celebrate with me over a glass of Jesus Juice and some Devils Weed....



Well-Known Member
welcome to the nation of islam!
I said I was enlightened, not overwhelmed with stupidity....jus j/k. I feel there is nothing wrong with religion in principle, all has its flaws, but more so its practitioners are the ones that are usually completely flawed. In my opinion the bad seems to outweigh the good for the most part.

I haven't lost faith in God, just the way his people choose to approach him, or her, or it. But why would you assume that switched to islam, or were you just joshing

Edit: I didn't mean to say I haven't lost faith in God, I need No Faith to See the Inexplicable Presence & Nature of God!!


Well-Known Member
Yes, Exactly C'Bo..That is what fools Do, become all Holy for 4hrs out of an Entire Week :-?

Every Moment of your LIfe should Exemplify Who and What you Stand For....

and as far as the Locks, it's my last Hurdle of a Fashion Statement, Problem is, I just get so Damn HOt :lol:


Well-Known Member
please dont say that.,.,brazko.,.,dreads r not a fashion statement its a way of life.,.,nattys no jester,i didnt go to a baber shop or fashion place to get i locks done i just stopped combing i hair heres a few early pics of ilocks no wolf in she eps clothing here Image000.jpg
natrural dreads lo0k like this,kinda like ure avatar,lol.,.,dreads signify growth,overstanding,and power.,and that is why i have a problem with the people i se.e with dreads as fashion.,.its a way of life to live when doing such a thing,i wouldnt go get baptised,because its the fashioninable thing to do.,.,ima ras so i lock up.,,.it is the only crown this king ne3ds.,., dread dont jester,dont eat pork or wear polyester.,.,haha.,i kno people have wondered wat ini lo0k like to for a while,.,.,here it is ,lol:peace:propb not wat ya thought ey?and heres a song to go wit i talk as always


Well-Known Member
Yeah, CBo, I know what real dreads are about, the fashion I would be growing them would be to just start twisting.... When I say FAshion Statement, well what you described is pretty much the reason for which I would begin to grow them out, however, its' just not me, I don't need to have a look to demostrate to others my strength, growth, & overstanding. The other reason is exactly what you stated, people do it for a Look and I don't want to be confused for one of those people doing it just for the Look, and as stated before, I would Burn the Hell uP!!

I practically have been shedding for over the last 10-15yrs.. My persona, jewelry, Cars, Clothes, Vanity, etc. etc. etc. It's all just an illusion to appease the Ego. I was in a slump of letting people get over on me, not because I was Ignorant or, ever an Ass to people :roll: , but because I had this Superiority Outlook, and I felt guilty about it, assumimg it to be Karma.....

Well, I'm Glad that shits Over with :lol:, I can Balance both sides of the Yin/Yang pretty well Now

In words of Bruce Lee quote un Quote "Be Like Water my friend, It can be Calm and Smooth, Or It can Come Crashing Down on Your Ass"

Holla, :peace:

Ramen Shaman

Well-Known Member
Major props on the True Blood quote. Love that show.

As far as giving up your title of "Christian," congrats. I don't especially see it as a necessary thing, however. Just because some bad people are white, I don't plan on not calling myself white. And skin color is as unchangeable in a person as religion. Excluding Michael Jackson and born-again Christians, respectively.



Well-Known Member
Major props on the True Blood quote. Love that show.

As far as giving up your title of "Christian," congrats. I don't especially see it as a necessary thing, however. Just because some bad people are white, I don't plan on not calling myself white. And skin color is as unchangeable in a person as religion. Excluding Michael Jackson and born-again Christians, respectively.

Yes, To Deny Christ in Essence would be to Deny Thyself, However, I don't need the Extra Luggage....

Yep, 2 whole Weeks to Wait for True Blood, can't Wait

and Thanks,



Well-Known Member
Just declare yourself agnostic.

So much easier. If there was a God you realize that you are too insignifigant to comprehend such a being, if there is not a God you are not surprised...I mean look around you!


Well-Known Member
Just declare yourself agnostic.

So much easier. If there was a God you realize that you are too insignifigant to comprehend such a being, if there is not a God you are not surprised...I mean look around you!
Agnostic means someting like you don't know Right!! If so, that title doesn't fit...I did not always know God (although @ times I thought I did), but I have no doubt about God, its the REalization of the Significance of All things that allows me to Comprehend the Presence & Nature of God!! Its the titles given 2 God and the insatiable Will of Man to seperate himself from God that obscures the Vision and ability to interpet God.

When one is able to accomplish this, it is quite Easy to Know God, Matter of Fact, you will not be able to Avoid Seeing It.....

I'm not looking for Eazy, Although one may suffer Hardships, the end result is realized, Its All 2 Eazy...
