Color Coding your plants for Outside/Guerilla Grow


While planning for my 2012 Guerilla Grow Project, I had one issue that kept bugging me. How was I going to know which plant was exactly what strain when harvesting?

Make a precise map? Place one of those white plastic gardening tags? Burry something in the ground? Tie something around the stalk? All fell short because of the obvious downsides to each of these 'solutions'. It gets lost, blown away, is too tight around the stalk for normal growing, etc. etc.

Then when searching our basement for an inventive solution, it came to me! My wife uses elastic colored hair bands to tie up the manes of our horses, those could do the trick!

You can easily shove them over the cup and onto the stalk when planting and no matter how thick the stalk gets, it'll stretch enough to cope with that. Also it can't easily be blown away or anything, is durable enough to last a couple of months of rough weather and you don't need to dig up a (by then of course disappeared) tag when harvesting.

I have made some pictures to show you the general idea of it.

Hope you like this idea and that it is of any use to you!
