College Students, Welcome to a Lifetime of Debt!


Well-Known Member
By Barbara Ehrenreich, Posted September 11, 2007.

Colleges and universities today are turning teenagers into full-fledged citizens of our economy by introducing them to a lifetime of debt.

Welcome to Fleece U., where our mission is to take feckless teenagers such as yourselves and turn them into full-fledged citizens of our economy, meaning, of course, debtors.

Many life-changing things will happen to you in the next four years. You will make lasting friends, including perhaps the love of your life. You will drink more than you ever thought possible and bitterly regret it in the morning. You will lose your virginity, if you happen to have brought it with you.

Our stellar faculty ardently hopes that along the way you will be amazed by calculus and charmed by the tipsy conversation between Alcibiades and that wily old radical, Socrates. There is also a general expectation that you that you will come out of here with some hazy notion of spelling and grammar.

But never forget that your real purpose here is to shake off the pointless freedom of youth and assume the burden of debt. To this end, we have just raised our tuition in an attempt to keep up with such top-of-the-line institutions as George Washington University (now weighing in at $39,210 a year, or $50,000 with room and board). You will find us also charging a plethora of additional fees -- a "student activities fee," a "technology fee," and an "incidentals fee." In addition, we will be experimenting this year with a "snow removal fee," a "lecture hall seat-use fee," and the installation of pay toilets in the dorms.

It would be short-sighted to resent these fees, since they provide valuable experience in bill-reading, and will come in handy when you confront your own personal monthly utility statements. At present we do not charge any additional tuition for this training in bill-reading, though we are considering adding a special "fee fee" in the future.

Another thing that will help ease you into the status of debtor is the price of your textbooks -- about $120 to $180 for a new, graffiti-free copy. True, this seems high when you could buy a hardcover of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows for $20 or less, but the aim is to teach you that a book is something to treasure (and, again, we charge no extra fee for this lesson.)

On average, you will graduate with a respectable-sized debt of $20,000, which will enable you to establish your all-important "credit history." If we have succeeded in our educational mission, you will be a first-rate debtor, capable of making minimum monthly payments much of the time. As fresh offers of credit cards and home equity loans pour in, you will beam with pride at your achievement.

Please note carefully that Fleece U degree cannot guarantee you a future income that will allow you to pay off your debts. Many of our most promising graduates are now, three or four years later, working for $8-12 an hour serving up lattés, counseling disturbed youth or creating business computer networks. They are set for a lifetime of debt, and we are proud that they first began to accrue it right here, on our lovely mock Oxfordian campus.

We don't have to remind you not to stigmatize debt as a condition associated with poverty. In 2006, for the first time, the average household's debt exceeded its income. By becoming a debtor, you will have entered the American mainstream! We have confidence that you will go on to mature effortlessly from college debt to car loan to mortgage to medical debts occasioned by the ever-growing gaps in coverage.

You will see the value of all this debt when the day comes, as it inevitably will, when you wake up and ask yourself, "Who am I and what am I doing here?" You will be tempted to take long walks, read the Upanishads, or try out for a new career as a trophy spouse.

In a crisis like this, you could easily spend thousands of dollars on life coaching and motivational DVDs. But you won't have to, because you'll have debt to keep you going. You will get up, shower, and toil faithfully in your cubicle year after year until, in the fullness of time, your family acquires the debt for your interment (at which point we trust you will have remembered Fleece U in your will.)

So think of debt as the great motivator. Think of it as our gift to you. Because for at least the next academic year, we are not even thinking of charging for it.


Well-Known Member
Here in England sutdents get incredible levels of debt, they have to pay for the courses and books and living costs to study while they train to be our medics or lawyers or whatever else. In the main however this is for one main goal, it is to get you hooked into society, getting you following that path of wife 2 kids dog 4 wheel drive plus 2 holidays a year plus all of the other illusions the governments put in place to hide the fact that life is similar to the matrix. We are all being used as batteries on some level while the machine sucks us dry of our energy and life to feed its greed.


Well-Known Member
hahahaha. i'm both laughing and crying. a lot of those examples of universities screwing students...not that far from the truth. for example: i payed $220 for my multi-variable calc book...USED. their buy back program bought it back for $40. My physics book $170 + $100 in lab fees. they decided to get the next edition of the book so they weren't buying them back(any they just switched to the editions last year so there were no used books).

it costs $120 to get a parking permit on my campus....or it's a 20 min walk or bus ride. room and board costs about $9000 a year for about 8 months that we'll be living in the afore mentioned rooms. that's about $1000 a month to be shoved in a 12'X16' box with another person and rats that run down the hall.

life is just so good!:dunce:


New Member
Aint it the truth, come hither young lads and sign up for the rest of your life. Learn how to read and asses your monthly bank statement, pay your credit card bills, and read the classified ads, the job section. Prepare to earn the equivilant of 3.00 an hour as your job has been transfered to India where after you purchase a 1800.00 Plane ticket, On credit of course, you can find your cubicle in an Indian town of your choice. Welcome to the new world order. Question: how do you compete with Indians that recieve free education to get a degree and work for 1.00-3.00 an hour, Answer, you don't, you are screwed.


Well-Known Member
funny story actually: I'm a CS major (computer science) and i know a guy who just came back from india. he went there because the company that heired him sent him there for "training" (shit he already knew). no expense paid but he was paid while working there. turns out after the conversion rate back to USD; he was being paid less than $4/h.

On a positive note, there is a shift happening. more jobs are shifting to china. India is still the biggest market but things are slowly changing.

actually, unless i go to grad school, my diploma will be about as useful as a toilet paper...that or i work for some small business' IT.


New Member
What I find interesting is that those on the extreme left, like the author of the above article, are quick to point out the "evil," "unearned," "inflated" salaries of CEO's of large corporations, but never point out the seven-figure salaries of university presidents and six figure salaries of the instructors. Hell, most of the tenured professors don't even teach their classes anymore.

And again, typical of the Left ... the author of the article doesn't say anything about personal responsibility. Who signs the contracts for the debts?

And lastly, who made the rule that says every kid in the nation has to attend college?



New Member
What I find interesting is that those on the extreme left, like the author of the above article, are quick to point out the "evil," "unearned," "inflated" salaries of CEO's of large corporations, but never point out the seven-figure salaries of university presidents and six figure salaries of the instructors. Hell, most of the tenured professors don't even teach their classes anymore.

And again, typical of the Left ... the author of the article doesn't say anything about personal responsibility. Who signs the contracts for the debts?

And lastly, who made the rule that says every kid in the nation has to attend college?

Just more left bashing. I find all people that make in excess of 100,000 dollars a year to have excessive salaries, whether they work for IBM or St. Johns College.


New Member
How did you arrive at that 100k figure, Med?

I pulled it out of my ass. After careful observance of the economics that exist in this culture, Anyone that makes over that amount is recieving excessive compensation for work performed. How much does a coal miner that risks his life every day make? How much does a soldier in Iraq make? There are certain jobs where I could see a small amount over 100K, say the president, or an Open heart surgeon maybe, But anything beyond that is just rubbing it in to the working class, the "Proletariot". A person can live extremely well on 100K a year, thats my criteria. Take your "profession" for example, 6% of a house sale is criminal. When houses were 20K, it seemed reasonable, but your criminal friends have jacked that price to 400-600K for a tract house for ,Christs sake, you sell a house and you get your share of 24-36 thousand bucks, criminal. I know you don't have a conscience, but the stupidity of the buyers and sellers that take it up the ass from you guys amazes me. I'd never pay that much to sell my house and I'd sell it within 6 wks, I'd rather take 6% off the sales price and give the buyer a deal, or split it with him. There are many ways to sell a house without taking the ass whooping you guys lay on. In the old days, they'd of strung you up for that thievery.


New Member
Damn ... you really ARE a Communist, aren't ya Med? :-P

Oh, and by the way, you've yet to explain how, if Realtors drove the prices of homes up, how they are now driving them down. Please explain that little tidbit, will ya? ~lol~



New Member
Damn ... you really ARE a Communist, aren't ya Med? :-P

Oh, and by the way, you've yet to explain how, if Realtors drove the prices of homes up, how they are now driving them down. Please explain that little tidbit, will ya? ~lol~

You oversold the market price and the pricing is falling to reflect some semblence of realistic value. Come on, you know this is the fact, you greedy realtors sold houses knowing the market was bogus and now, like a hedge fund, you are selling them on the downturn, Criminal.


Well-Known Member
on the job training.......take the test......agrakudabra degree
why would u have to go to school for years when u can do it today..
if i had to go to school for money i would have shot my self
the only ones who say u have to go to school to get a job is the ones who had to go to school and get a job.. i do agree that some things u must have special training on like brain surgery or something but to be a eyes ears and throat doc shouldnt take 8 years.if he doesnt know what something is he or she is going to get a book or get on the net to get the answer, why does it take 8 years to do that?


Well-Known Member
I have been a mostly full time student for about 11 years now. Besides the acquisition of degrees (working on my fourth) I have enjoyed learning about lots of stuff. My criteria for selection of an educational pursuit is that it must involve some component of being "hands-on" as I was influenced early in life by a quote from Ghandi that went along the lines of you must get your hands dirty every day. I have not paid a dime for college tuition in my life, it's all been paid for by employers and I have racked up lots of extra cash from stipends in exchange for post-graduation work contracts. I enjoy a substantial income, a job I enjoy in a career short of qualified people, I dictate when and where I will work and for how long. In short, I have leveraged my hard, smart, goal directed educational pursuits into a wealth of personal and financial freedom. People on this web site seem to have lots of stereotypical stoner hang-ups like "down with the man!" etc. and I truly get a good laugh out of it. My advice to anyone reading this would be to disregard most of what they read on RIU as anything other than comedy, ignore what others say about your pursuits (fuck em!) and find some degree of personal salvation from hard work every day. Whether this occurs in a classroom or behind the counter at Mcdonalds is irrelevant as long as you take pride in your work. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention I only completed the 10th grade in high school. And as for my next pursuit I plan to leverage my stellar resume from being a military officer and health care professional into winning a seat on the state senate where I intend to introduce a bill for medicinal marijuana as my state does not allow private citizens to have bills intorduced from petition.


Well-Known Member
on the job training.......take the test......agrakudabra degree
why would u have to go to school for years when u can do it today..
if i had to go to school for money i would have shot my self
the only ones who say u have to go to school to get a job is the ones who had to go to school and get a job.. i do agree that some things u must have special training on like brain surgery or something but to be a eyes ears and throat doc shouldnt take 8 years.if he doesnt know what something is he or she is going to get a book or get on the net to get the answer, why does it take 8 years to do that?
Ok you go to the sally struthers train at home ENT doc but I am going to go to the one who went to school for 8 years and did a 3 year residency and 2 year fellowship. Let us know how your visit goes :hump:


Well-Known Member
Ok you go to the sally struthers train at home ENT doc but I am going to go to the one who went to school for 8 years and did a 3 year residency and 2 year fellowship. Let us know how your visit goes :hump:
probly the same as yours..whatever drugs the doc is getting a cut on to promote
why would they cure u thats bad business, they have a class on that to......


New Member
i must say i did not go to collage or finish my senior year,i am not in dept over 3,000 dollars and make 35,40k a year i do however swing a hammer all day to make these pennies and im tired alot ,but the wife and 2 kids and i live worry free mostly and still go on vacation a week out of the year, i have some friends that live on the edge buying new stuff all the time went to collage and owes the bank every thing they own plus their first born, if they have a bad day they could lose every thing .
am i wrong for being dumb and stressless or should i have been smart an stressed
Nothing wrong with doing an honest days work for an honest fays pay. The thing is, you actually produce something, as opposed to those college educated buffoons that shuffle papers all day. I did as you are doing my whole adult life and only my Body suffered. I ran a framing hammer, a 28 oz, and yeah, my elbows talk to me once in a while, I also ran an eight lb. sledge, my wrists also talk to me. But generally I feel fine. I live in the desert so the dry climate agrees with my arthritus.


Well-Known Member
Hey bradlyallen2 are you thinking of possibly trying to become president one day?
LOL I am detecting an undercurrent of sarcasm in your comment. No but I am serious about running for a state legislative position, I need about a year to wrap some things up first so I am thinking 2010. I only recently started reading RIU and other web sites about how broken our method of dealing with marijuana users is. I enjoy a challenge and I think someone needs to man up in my state and tell the good old boy club in state office to get off their arses and create legislation for medical marijuana. I would be content with that. It has been my experience that the way to rock the system the hardest and to do the most damage is to operate from the inside :)