COLD = slow growth


New Member
8 week not much change in pistil colour, but my room was too cold for the last 2-3 weeks and i think that may be the cause of slowed maturation!

anybody ever experience slow growth resulting from cold temps??
the flowers look very nice and crystally but the pistils are taking forever to turn!!


Well-Known Member
cold will def slow or stop growth, a plant will live at 55 but wont grow it will just turn a lil purple then green up again when the heat rises. do you have perple areas keep the temp up above 70 during day and above 60 at night


New Member
no purple!! but the temps have been hovering arround 55-50 for a week or two maybe!
i turned on my baseboard heater yesterday brought the temp up to 60 thats all my heater will give me!!


Active Member
perhaps get a portable heater and put it on a timer with 15 for every hour & 1/2 when the lights are on and once every 45 min in the dark. I had the same problem here, a grow in the basement but then the tem dropped to -35C (-45 wind chill) it made the ladies really cool at night. You have to ensure you have enough room to use a small space heater. Some of them have thermostats built in when the temp rises to a certain deg it turns off by itself - would provide a consistent temp without the worries of over heating. Some of the mid to high range heaters come with a safety feature in to turn off in case they are tipped over or something.... Good luck


Well-Known Member
ya my seedlings were growing super slow, temps were getting around 65 at night. I killed exaust, and they started going hella fast, overnight improvement. Ive learned marijuana loves warmth.


ya my seedlings were growing super slow, temps were getting around 65 at night. I killed exaust, and they started going hella fast, overnight improvement. Ive learned marijuana loves warmth.
65 at night is NOT cold, it's perfect. You Killed exhaust b/c night time temps got down to 65? I can't imagine how they are growing w/o fresh air.


Well-Known Member
65 at night is NOT cold, it's perfect. You Killed exhaust b/c night time temps got down to 65? I can't imagine how they are growing w/o fresh air.
ya, its to cold though. I do have a unique setup though, im using rock wool, so roots are more open to the chill. They are growing 10X faster. i burp it about 2X a day. There thriving. ITs not that its to cold, its that its not 'ideal'


New Member
perhaps get a portable heater and put it on a timer with 15 for every hour & 1/2 when the lights are on and once every 45 min in the dark. I had the same problem here, a grow in the basement but then the tem dropped to -35C (-45 wind chill) it made the ladies really cool at night. You have to ensure you have enough room to use a small space heater. Some of them have thermostats built in when the temp rises to a certain deg it turns off by itself - would provide a consistent temp without the worries of over heating. Some of the mid to high range heaters come with a safety feature in to turn off in case they are tipped over or something.... Good luck

thanks alot man i really appreciate the help


Well-Known Member
damn.. my room goes to 59-62 at night for a low, and bout 76-80 when the lights are on. they seem to being doing just fine.