Cold shocked plants.. early harvest?


Well-Known Member
so here in toronto the weather is horrible. brutal wind - ripped a branch right off one of my garden plants, cold as hell temps and absolutely no sun for over a week now. i've brought all of my potted cannabis into my garage, but i'm just barely keeping them awake now with cfls which sucks major ass.
temps have been hovering from 6-12 C during the day and 1-4 C at night. so not a whole lot of growth this week. i have one beauuutiful branch of organic mazar, so close to the finish that i've been dying to cut.. but she seems to have stopped growing.
so im wondering, do i wait out the one week turning into possibly three, or just cut now. i typically wait until 60-80% amber to chop but that isnt going to happen. it looks like only the very tip of the cola in done and its been that way for about a week now...hmm.



Well-Known Member
I live in sorta the same area .. i'm hopefully taking them off next week .. should be a few nice days .. they are a week or 2 early also but doesnt look like the weather is going to help .. so had to make the choice .. early or way late .. took early ... yours do look nice .. wish you luck..

happy growin


Well-Known Member
Frosty pix. So how did you make out? You could put them in the dark for a couple days then harvest. Just an idea.


Well-Known Member
early harvest foiled! sorry about the wait - i totally forgot i made this thread.
so i ended up waiting it out for about a week and a half for that plant. amazingly, she put out one last big push with plenty of new growth. murderously potent bud. very glad i waited.

i also built a nifty little cold frame around the plant in my garden that refuses to grow at a normal speed. theres no way she's going to finish, but i might as well make her comfortable. no point in freezing to death. growth is still agonizingly slow, but the sun has shone again, and i refuse to give up on them

