Cold Curing


I've been trying to search the forums for info on cold curing but I haven't found too much other than one guy that has an unattached building/room that he cures in with temps in the 35F to 57F range and very low RH but he seems to be having success because it's cold.

I had no trouble curing over the summer and achieving 60/60 but here in the winter I can't. The heat is on, the house is dry...even in rooms I can block the heat I can't get over 45% RH it seems...usually it's about 40ish. I do however have a very cold closet, the temp in there is currently 37F, RH 43

So my question is, can I get a good cure with low RH if I cure it in 37F to 40F temps? I understand it may take quite some time but that's ok, I'm not in a hurry, I just want a good cure.

Any words of wisdom?
I’ve been storing mine in sweet decades bags inside a koolatron bud dryer. i keep it at 59 degrees and humidity control that keeps it around 60 to 61%. The room it’s set up in has humidity around 32 % this time of year so it can dry out quick.

My guess is you need 0.8 vpd. Look up vpd. where's that there vpd chart?
here's one.,1,3,3,0 Only problem is it's in C. 37F is ...3C
you need to dehumidify down to 1% humidity at 37. Good luck with that.
Say you can heat it to 10C=50F. Now you need 35%.,35,10,10,0
This chart is a little weird though. Maybe look up another one to double check.

That's very helpful, Thank you! I can raise the temp as much as needed, I just can't raise the RH... so 50 degrees at around 35% RH for curing is doable I think.
I've been trying to search the forums for info on cold curing but I haven't found too much other than one guy that has an unattached building/room that he cures in with temps in the 35F to 57F range and very low RH but he seems to be having success because it's cold.

I had no trouble curing over the summer and achieving 60/60 but here in the winter I can't. The heat is on, the house is dry...even in rooms I can block the heat I can't get over 45% RH it seems...usually it's about 40ish. I do however have a very cold closet, the temp in there is currently 37F, RH 43

So my question is, can I get a good cure with low RH if I cure it in 37F to 40F temps? I understand it may take quite some time but that's ok, I'm not in a hurry, I just want a good cure.

Any words of wisdom?
Hang some damp towels in the drying room to bump up rh. rewet or remove to maintain rh.
As you load up your closet the humidity in your closet will go up from the moisture in the plants. Sounds like the temps are in the right range, depending on how big the closet is and how much bud you need to dry you may be able to get the humidity where you need it to be after adding plants to be dried.
Of course the humidity will go down as the plants dry so maybe you could do something like thumper60 mentioned and hang something with moisture in it inside the closet.
As you load up your closet the humidity in your closet will go up from the moisture in the plants. Sounds like the temps are in the right range, depending on how big the closet is and how much bud you need to dry you may be able to get the humidity where you need it to be after adding plants to be dried.
Of course the humidity will go down as the plants dry so maybe you could do something like thumper60 mentioned and hang something with moisture in it inside the closet.
I finish my cure in 30 gal totes an have always used damp dish towels to slow things down.
I've been having season related issues too. Summer is too warm and winter is too dry.
I said fuck it and bought a nug smasher and dry ice. Now I'm pressing fresh frozen, ain't looking back either. But for what it's worth, hang dry in winter and add a cool mist humidifier to keep RH at 60- 61%, keep temps in the 50-60f. It takes 2-3 weeks to fully dry and get a semi decent cure. Mason jar afterwards or use terp-lock bags. Get the velvet ones, they've got a double seal zip on em