Coco yellowing new growth Please Help

Alright so i have a problem and i could really use your help. I have 8 clones in roots organic coco being fed 1/2 gallon every other day which gets the desired 20% runoff. i use 7.5 ml house and garden a/b and 10 ml a gallon rhizotonic. They were transplanted 4 days ago and this yellow has started since. The ph has been 5.8 every watering and i used my tds meter once to measure the tap water i use and it said it was at 400 but i went out and got tds calibration solution which is 1300 ppm and my meter read it at 2600 so i am guessing my tap is around 200. i run the tap water through a small boy declorinator. The enviroment is in perfect condition with good intake from fresh air and outtake. The plants have been under a 400watt hps but i just switched to mh today. temp is in the 70's lights on and 60's at night.
I think i figured out the problem. i was following the house and garden directions and said that add a/b then ph then add your additives. i was adding rhizotonic after i ph'd. i read that rhizotonic has a high ph and it must be spiking my ph. I guess i am running high ph and it must be locking out my micronutrients. I flushed and ph'd after everything. does this seem right. how long do you think until i see some improvement. anyone have any idea?