Coco Loco and Fox Farm feeding Schedule


New Member
Hi everyone,

This is my first time growing, please be patient with me... lol
I have Fox Farm's Coco Loco but I don't know what Fox Farm feeding schedule I'm supposed to follow. Soil or Hydroponics?

I started an excel spreadsheet and tried to attach it but it wouldn't let me.
Can someone help me with a base schedule? I understand everyone is different and I will adjust as necessary through my experience.
And yes, I am still looking through Youtube videos to answer some of these questions.
I want to know what my Ph level, Humidity, Temperature, Light Time, and Light Distance needs to be per week.

I currently have...
- 5x5 tent
- Humidifier and dehumidifier with controller
- Heater and AC with controller
- Two oscillating fans
- Inline duct fan with a carbon filter
- LED light 630W

Feeding Schedule.JPG


Hi, @projectpanda831.

You have a nice set up for a first grow. Kudos. Since no one has responded, I'll note that a quick search on the forums will help answer most of your basic questions about feeding and light schedules.

I'd suggest starting with soil. Soil tends to be more forgiving if you don't hit the right levels of ph or other amendments. Soil can serve as a buffer for mistakes and experimentation.

Roots absorb different nutrients at different ph environments. Water should generally be ph'd to between 6.0 and 6.4. Some nutrients change the ph, so be aware of that when using Ph Up and Ph Down water amendments. Keeping your water/feed ph'd will prevent locking out nutrient uptake by the roots. Also, filter as much chlorine out of the water as you can. Chlorine evaporates, so leaving tap out and open topped over night is wise.

Low temps (below about 60F) can trigger lockout of certain nutrients as well, but I've had plants that were happy up to 90F (outside with wind). Indoor should likely shoot for around 75F).

Light times vary according to what stage you want your plant in (for photoperiod cannabis strains).

Vegetative Phase: 18 hour light and 6 hour dark is the "vegetative phase." This phase is from seedling until you are reading to start flowering. You can go up to 24 hours of light according to some growers. I've not done it. More than 12 hours of light tells the plant to grow tall and expand the skeleton branch structure.

Flowering Phase: Less than 12 hours of light. Note: the dark period should be absolutely dark. The plant can revert to vegetative growth and stop growing buds. In this phase, the plant blooms the flowers.

Lights should be about a 10 inches to 1.5 feet away. Seedlings may need more distance than mature plants. It depends on the heat output of your set up. Light burn might occur if the heat bothers the back of your hand where the top leaves would be. If the light is too far away, you can get stalk stretch as the plant reaches for the light.

Just some bits from my experience as a novice making mistakes! Hope you found the right info. Check the forums. A lot of experience on these threads.
