Coco coir & autoflowers - wateirng schedules?


In regards to treating coco like hydro, I have been reading lots of contrasting information - some growers like to leave their coco to dry in between waterings and others like to water every day.

My question is, as I'm growing autoflowers, I've started directly in their final containers - 15L. Would it be advisable to still water a small amount every day to keep things fresh and the medium moist, even if it's not dried out yet? The plants are still small. So far I've been watering every few days and growth seems a little small and the plants seem a little yellow.

Any advice appreciated!


Well-Known Member
When growing autos in large pots of coco you need to make sure that you arent totally waterlogging the pot before you have a root syatem,in that way you can overwater coco,make sure you have good drainage.Once you hit flower you need to make sure you are completely watering the pot with about 25% of runnoff,this will help keep you coco clean of bullshit.In a 3 gal pot ,ill do daily 2liter feedings in full flower.Coco has a way of keeping a nice even moist consistency,You need to keep it moist throughout the grow,if you allow it to dry out to much,you are missing the point of coco,this is a hydroponic medium.Also and this is my personal preference,I dont prefer to mix perlite in my coco,I think it interferes with the natural wicking nature of coco,I like to layer an inch of perlite at the bottom of the pot to assist drainage but other than that I prefer 100% coco.And dont skimp get a good quality coco,I highly recommend the canna brand,ive had good luck with the compressed bricks.Theres some shitty coco out there,just like soil.
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@Resinhound thanks for your reply. I think the drainage is okay, the medium takes 3-5 days to fully dry out an inch or two down, but this is what I mean - at this early stage of my plants growth, is this advisable to treat it in this soil-like way until she can handle more water? Im using a mix of coco, perlite and clay pebbles. Might get canna coco next time actually heard many good things


Well-Known Member
Ya you just need to go easy on the watering until you have a built up root system,if you go 100%coco the natural wicking action of the coco will keep a nice uniform moisture level,thats why I prefer that.