Coco Coir as a medium


Hello Peeps!

Im starting the GRAND ADVENTURE of growing my own and im SUPER EXCITED! I got my fox farms nutrients and want to use coco as a medium. What kind should I use? I hear a lot about using epsom salt because of the magnesium? whats up with that? I'm just a lil confused on using coco coir as a medium. Any help would be appreciated!


Active Member
Coco is popular and easy to work with, though I personally use peat mixes exclusively now. Really just a matter of personal preference, you should be fine with any coco you can get your hands on if you decide to go that route.

Epsom salt is used to fix magnesium deficiency. I personally use a pre-bottled chemical to use this, epsom salts is just a cheaper alternative. In general its needed if you use reverse osmosis water, because filtration removes this beneficial element from the water. I don't use Fox Farm nutrients, so not sure if their regular nutes will provide normal amounts for this. If not, they will have a seperate bottle specifically for it.