coco and coco nuntes

im into the first week ov 12/12 my medium is coco and im using the coco nutes that gos with it the qustion is when iv fliped do i still use A and B veg nuntes for a bit or do i just go stright onto the A and B flowering nuntes got no chart to go by thanks....


Well-Known Member
No, the wisdom is that the high levels of nitrogen in veg nutes inhibit flower development. Actually, I start to incorporate flowering nutes during veg a little to thicken branches and stems as well as boost the roots. Plants retain the veg nutrients for months and that keeps the green in the leaves. Most just cut off one and go to other on the 1st day of flower that will work too.


Active Member
I switch to 70-30 grow-bloom
and increase the bloom like 50-50 next feed 30-70 next feed and 100% bloom from 4th feeding. I grow in coco and feed every alternate day.


Well-Known Member
I switch to 70-30 grow-bloom and increase the bloom like 50-50 next feed 30-70 next feed and 100% bloom from 4th feeding. I grow in coco and feed every alternate day.
I do the exact same, and I began feeding my moms bloom/veg 30/70 once every week or so and they are tearing it up...reccomended.