Cobs not the same brightness with identical dimmers


Well-Known Member
My setup is a total of 5 hlg 240 1750b drivers and 20 cxb3590s. Each driver is pushing 4 cobs on a 48 inch X 6 inch heatsink dimmed with 2 cooling fans on top of each heatsink. This setup is in a 4 by 12 area and is absolutely killing it. My drivers are barely even warm and heatsinks are cold to the touch! This is all awesomeness for me! My question is 2 of the 5 are dimmed 30% and the other 3 are on high with the same light output. When I turn the other 2 all the way up it's crazy obvious! I'm Jw and have been for 9 yrs now and built this setup to perfection. These dimmers are just acting funny. I unhooked all dimmers and it's just too much power. Everything is of equal brightness and u can barely open urs eyes! It's insane bright! This setup is 3 yrs old now and I noticed a couple of cobs need to be replaced! Anyone have any answers why these dimmers are acting identical. I've noticed flickering sometimes also. I also built the same setup but with 6000k clu 048 cobs
Simplest solution would be to use a single pot for all 5 drivers.
If you need to have separate zone control, then new pots are in order.
50k ohm potentiometers are what I initially installed. Should I go back with th 50k ohm
Simplest solution would be to use a single pot for all 5 drivers.
If you need to have separate zone control, then new pots are in order.
Do the make a pot I could use with 3 drivers? If so, what's the exact name and brand? That way all I'd have to install is 2 cause I have 2 zones
Do the make a pot I could use with 3 drivers? If so, what's the exact name and brand? That way all I'd have to install is 2 cause I have 2 zones
To dim 3 drivers you need a 33k ohm pot, for 2 drivers a 50k ohm pot, linear potentiometers
The 50k-ohm pot you have will work with all of the dimming leads from the drivers connected to a single pot. The formula to use is 100k/ number of drivers. The 50k will just have a faster dimming rate compared to using the value from the formula.