co2 yes or no question


Active Member
ok so can i use a paintball tank?

im pretty sure i can, i just want to make sure... thanks fellas/ladies


Well-Known Member
ya if u wanna like refill it every hour haha its too small, ur grow room would have to be so tiny it wouldnt make sense, try fermenting juice (cider seems to do it well ) or the yeast wit sugar but these things are for small grows (by room volume) u prob will have to get like one of them 20 lbs bottles at the verry least for good results

That Smell

Active Member
You need a bigger tank. But a paintball CO2 tank does have co2 inside. You can buy bigger co2 tanks online for like 100 bucks but a regulator will cost you another 120 and then you may want to get a sensor to release the right amount at the right time. This will cost many more hundreds. Or you could go good old fashion mother nature 350 ppm or you could brew some beer in the room.