CO2 question


Not sure if this is the right place to post this, but

I was going to add co2 to my grow of 36 plants. The space is pretty big, over 6 feet wide and high. I was wondering if one tank of co2 would be enough or if I needed two. Is there such a thing as too much co2 ??


Well-Known Member
...yeah buddy! ...Co2 can kill you if the levels get too high. much growing experience do you have bro? ...i've been at this going on 8 years and the only time i fucked with Co2 was when i was a noob trying to 'maximize my yields' and complicating my grow at every turn. took a couple years but i eventually calmed down and decided to simplify my methods and now my grow is easy peasy lemon squeezy and i pull way more than i ever did when i was all complicating shit.

...for me simple has proven to be the winning way, more bud and less stress, that's my motto, lol.

peace, bozo


...yeah buddy! ...Co2 can kill you if the levels get too high. much growing experience do you have bro? ...i've been at this going on 8 years and the only time i fucked with Co2 was when i was a noob trying to 'maximize my yields' and complicating my grow at every turn. took a couple years but i eventually calmed down and decided to simplify my methods and now my grow is easy peasy lemon squeezy and i pull way more than i ever did when i was all complicating shit.

...for me simple has proven to be the winning way, more bud and less stress, that's my motto, lol.

peace, bozo
This is my first grow using this grow room. Ive been contemplating adding co2 for a while and I thought this would be a good time. Thanks for the info, ill keep it a minimum.


Well-Known Member
This is my first grow using this grow room. Ive been contemplating adding co2 for a while and I thought this would be a good time. Thanks for the info, ill keep it a minimum.
...yeah, i'm not an expert man but i know that you're gonna want a way to measure ppms, you need to know the levels to be safe, also have to time things because you can't have your exhaust actively drawing out air if your supplementing with Co2 because you'll just be sucking the Co2 out as fast as you pump it in, do take some figuring to get it right.

...oh and telling me this is your first grow in this room doesn't say much bro, how many grows you have under your belt EVER would be more helpful, ...and i only ask because then i'll know if i know enough to help you or maybe you can help me, ...i don't want to insult you offering advice you don't need.

peace, bozo