CO2 meter with output


Well-Known Member
I just got this one in.

Was VERY surprised that the indoor levels were @ 800ppm.
I live alone in a 1500sq ft house. I gotta work on those levels.

Now to integrate it into the brain.


Well-Known Member
damn man put some trees in your house
Actually up to 1000 ppm is acceptable. 600-800 seems to be the norm for indoor levels.

This is the prob with these tight, energy efficient houses. You do your best to keep the cold and hot outside air from coming in but degrade the indoor air quality.


Well-Known Member
Yea i was just joking around. But if 600-800 is aveage indorr levels than i would think that C02 supplementation would have less dramatic of an impact.. TY for the info.

I always thought 300-350 was average indoor.


Well-Known Member
Depends where you live too. In the big city your ambient is just higher anyways due to all the pollution.