CO2 Idea

Hey Guys I have an idea and was looking for some input. I am curious why people keep air pumps in their res first of all. I assume it is the oxigenate the water, however that got me thinking what if the pump had a bottle with yeast and sugar in the line before the air stone thus virtually carboning the water? would this be beneficial to the plant?

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
?????? exsplain in more detail
are you saying put the surgar and yest in your res
or put an air stone inyou co2 setup so it always bubble

Juan Abongheet

Well-Known Member
Sounds interesting- like adding CO2 to the water itself. Although, I think the leaves actually take in/process the CO2, not the roots so I am not sure how effective it would be? Would make for a great experiment...


Well-Known Member
Roots need O2 plant needs co2. If you run co2 threw the water you'll get carbonic acid in the water.


Active Member
Co2 will kill your plants roots, which take in Oxygen, not carbon dioxide which displaces oxygen. The plants intake co2 through their leaves NOT their roots. In essence you are suffocating them. Remember kids, dont experement if you dont know what damage it can cause!


Active Member
No way do what ever you want. But it's good to ask around before you do it.
Sure experiment, but remember if you want to keep your plants alive it would be stupid if you... Say:

You high not knowing possible results:

"Hey, what if i put this here, and and do this... BOOOM!!!!"

Bye johnny and johnny's plants. If you dont know what you are doing, DONT DO IT!

Besides, what could be much simpler than treating your plants like living things.

Co2 kills people at high levels by displacing oxygen in the lungs. Same with plants.

Do what ever you want, but dont do it to my plants ;) Thats why mine stay alive and healthy! Keep it simple!:weed: