CO2 from your lungs


Active Member
So im thinking atm what if i blow up like 10 balloons and leth them slowly release the gas inside the ballon that ive blown in there, to my grow corner... so ... :dunce:


Active Member
Don't mind me, just responding to a troll thread.

Exhaled breath is 5% richer in co2 than atmospheric values; you'd increase your co2 in yer balloon from 390 to 400ppm. Wow. Fuckin free co2.

I personally stand around breathing on my plants all day. I think I've noticed a huge difference in yield!


Don't mind me, just responding to a troll thread.

Exhaled breath is 5% richer in co2 than atmospheric values; you'd increase your co2 in yer balloon from 390 to 400ppm. Wow. Fuckin free co2.

I personally stand around breathing on my plants all day. I think I've noticed a huge difference in yield!


Well-Known Member
and if you hold your breath as long as you can you increase the co2 level of your exhale.
fuck baloons, though.